their student sisters, who are not only younger than they, hut are trained to push brain- activity to an extreme. Give girls a fair chance for physical development at school, and they will be able in after life, with rea­sonable care of themselves, to answer the demands that may be made upon them.

The identical education of the sexes has borne the fruit which we have pointed out. Their identical co-education will intensify the evils of separate identical education; for it will introduce the element of emulation, and i t will introduce this element in its strongest form. It is easy to frame a theoretical emu­lation, in which results only are compared and tested, that would be healthy and invig­orating ; but such theoretical competition of the sexes is not at all the sort of steady, untiring, day-after-day competition that iden­tical co-education implies. It is one tiling to put up a goal a long way off, five or six months or three or four years distant, and tell boys and girls, each in their own way, to strive for it, and quite a different thing to