been tried long enough to show, much njore than its first fruits, viz., its results while the students are in college ; and of these the only obvious ones are increased emulation, and intellectual development and attainments. The defects of the reproductive mechanism, and the friction of its action, are not ex- lfibited there ; nor is there time or opportu­nity in college for the evils which these defects entail to be exhibited. President Magoun of Iowa College tells us, that, in the institution over which he presides, Forty- two young men and fifty-three young ladies have pursued college courses; and adds, Nothing needs to be said as to the control of the two sexes in the college. The young ladies are placed under the supervision of a lady principal and assistant as to deportment, and every thing besides recitations (in which they are under the supervision of the same professors and other teachers with the young men, reciting with them) ; and one simple rule as to social intercourse governs every thing. The moral and religious influenced