attending the arrangement have been most happy. * From this it is evident that Iowa College is trying the identical co-education of the sexes; and the president reports the happy moral and religious results of the experiment, but leaves us ignorant of its physiological results. It may never have occurred to him, that a class of a hundred young ladies might graduate from Iowa College or Antioch Col­lege or Michigan University, whose average health during their college course had ap­peared to the president and faculty as good as that of their male classmates who had made equal intellectual progress with them, upon whom no scandal had dropped its ven­om, who might be presented to the public on Commencement Day as specimens of as good health as their uneducated sisters, with roses in their cheeks as natural as those in their hands, the major part of whom might, not­withstanding all this, have physical defects that a physiologist could easily discover, and

* The New Englander, July, 1873. Art., Iowa College.