Does any physician believe that it is good tor a growing girl to be so occupied seven or eight hours a day ? or that it is right for her to use her brains as long a time as the me­chanic employs his muscles ? But this is only a part of the evil. The multiplicity of stud­ies. the number of teachers, each eager to get the most he can out of his pupil, the severer drill of our day, and the greater in­tensity of application demanded, produce effects on the growing brain, which, in a vast number of cases, can be only disastrous. Even in girls of from fourteen to eighteen, such as crowd the normal school in Phila­delphia, this sort of tension and this variety of study occasion an amount of ill-health which is sadly familiar to many physi­cians. *

Experience teaches that a healthy and growing boy may spend six hours of force daily upon his studies, and leave sufficient margin for physical growth. A girl cannot spend more than four, or, in occasional in-

* Wear and Tear. Op. cit., p. 33-4.