stances, five hours of force daily upon her studies, and leave sufficient margin for the general physical growth that she must make in common with a boy, and also for constructing a reproductive apparatus. If she puts as much force into her brain education as a boy, the brain or the special apparatus will suffer. Appropriate education and appropriate co­education must adjust their methods and regimen to this law.

Another detail is, that, during every fourth week, there should be a remission, and some­times an intermission, of both study and exercise. Some individuals require, at that time, a complete intermission from mental and physical effort for a single day ; others for two or three days; others require only a remission, and can do half work safely for two or three days, and their usual work after that. The diminished labor, which shall give Nature an opportunity to accomplish her special periodical task and growth, is a phys­iological necessity for all, however robust they may seem to be. The apportionment