Reports of the Massachusetts commissioners to the exposition at Vienna, 1873 : with special reports prepared for the Commission / edited by Hamilton A. Hill
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Concerning the Universal Exposition at Vienna.

Resolved , That the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, is authorized to appoint a citizen of this Commonwealth and such associates as may be necessary, to visit the Universal Exposition at Vienna, to assist the contributors from this State, to examine the various industries, manufactures and economies which may be exhibited or presented, and to report thereon to the legisla­ture of eighteen hundred and seventy-four.

Resolved , That there be appropriated, to be paid out of the treasury, such a sum, not exceeding twelve thousand dollars, as the governor and council may deem necessary to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing resolve.

Resolved , That there be appropriated, to be paid out of the treas­ury, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the governor and council, for the purpose of aiding in the proper representation at the Exposition of our system of education, and of obtaining therefrom information for the promo­tion of our educational interests.

, Approved March 3, 1873.



Executive Department, Boston, April 10th, 1873.


My Dear Sir :The duties of the representatives from this State to the Vienna Exposition are specified in the Resolve authorizing their appointment, and the' language of that Resolve is quoted in the commissions given you and your associates under the seal of the Commonwealth. The general direction of the Commission is