Reports of the Massachusetts commissioners to the exposition at Vienna, 1873 : with special reports prepared for the Commission / edited by Hamilton A. Hill
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entrusted to your discretion and judgment, and it is not doubted that you will find your associates ready to accord cheerful coopera­tion, to the end that the largest and most valuable results may be obtained. The Commission will be expected to do what it properly can to promote the interests of contributors from this State to the Exposition, and afford them such reasonable assistance as may be necessary in securing opportunity for the fair display and examina­tion of their works. The appropriation made by the legislature will be subject to your order as the head of the Commission, and no bills for expenses incurred will be allowed except such as have your approval, the intent of the governor and council being to put the financial management of the Commission in your hands. You are expected to settle the reasonable necessary expenses of yourself and the associate commissioners now in this country in going to and returning from Vienna by the ordinary and most feasible route, as well as those of the associates now in Europe in travelling from points not further distant from Vienna than Paris or Antwerp. You are also expected to settle the reasonable necessary expenses of yourself and associates while in Vienna, for such a period of time as you may judge it advisable to remain there, keeping in mind that the object of the State in authorizing the Commission is speci­fically to secure practical information at the Exposition for the benefit of our people. Authority is given you to employ such assistance in Vienna as you may deem it advisable to procure in canying out this object, and for that assistance you will make pay­ment at a fair rate of compensation, taking receipts that may be filed with your accounts as vouchers. And of all matters involving the expenditure of money, you will be expected to render an account as soon as possible after your return.

Very truly yours,


Governor of the Commonwealth.

Hon. Chas. Francis Adams, Jr., Boston, Mass.