Third. A Committee whose duty it should be to issue passes to exhibitors, assistants and workmen, and regulate generally the ticket and free-pass department.

Fourth. The Catalogue Committee, whose duty it is to collate the forms as soon as received, classify them and get them into the printers hands without delay. If a concession of the printing and sale of the general catalogue is accorded to any one, care should be taken not to include in it foreign catalogues, unless under some especial proviso which protects the interests of foreign commissions aiid encourages them to print their own special catalogues, which are always the most valuable portions of the literature of any International Exhibition. The French Imperial Commission in 1867 so mismanaged this matter as to create lawsuits and suppress to a large extent this valuable source of information. The Catalogue Committee should also undertake the printing of forms and other documents required by the other depart­ments. Without some efficient supervision much waste of time and extravagant expenditure is sure to occur in the printing of useless and inconvenient forms, and even in the wasteful production of well digested forms.

Fifth. A Committee to regulate the police, the fire- brigade and the attendants and cleaners, is of course neces­sary, and its functions are second to none in importance.

Sixth. The gardens, roads and grounds generally should have a separate Committee, upon which both men of taste and practical experience should be placed.

Eighth. An Engineering Committee should undertake the arrangement of boiler-houses and other matters connected with the Machinery Department.

Tenth. A Fine Art Committee is necessary to regulate the disposition of art objects with a view to secure the best and most effective placing of them ; this may be a sub-corn-* mittee of the Installation Committee ; or, if not, the two ought to act in unison, especially with regard to trophies , which, rightly placed and tastefully designed, add much to the beauty and interest of the exhibition, but otherwise, often disfigure it most seriously.

Eleventh. The refreshment establishments and the musical entertainments should be under a Committee or Committees,