and on no account ought a control over the charges to be relinquished. This cannot however be fairly retained unless the concessions to sell are made in a liberal spirit. For well- regulated refreshment rooms with moderate charges are great aids to the success of an exhibition.

Twelfth. A Committee is necessary to organize and arrange the International Juries, and besides scientific knowledge, the gentlemen composing it, or at least some of them, should be good linguists, and amongst them, or the jurors for the country holding the exhibition, must be selected reporters who will, by careful reports, give an enduring value to the exhibition.

Thirteenth. A competent Finance Committee is a matter of


The organization of the Foreign Commissions rests entirely with the countries from whence they come, and it is only left to the country holding the exhibition to aid them in every possible way. Nothing that could be said under this head cau be of any use to America, where the duties of hospitality are universally understood and practised.

The next important points are the jury question, and the awards; the latter especially, for we have just seen how with the best intentions badly carried out the worst results may be realized. In the Vienna Exhibition regulations, we were told that'there were to be five prize-medals : 1st, one for Progress, 2d for Merit, 3d for Good Taste, 4th for Co- operators, and, apart from this series, one for Fine Art, whether in painting, sculpture, or decorative art. Besides these there were two Diplomas,a Diploma of Honor, the highest prize which could be awarded, and a Diploma of Honorable Mention, the lowest prize which could be awarded. Moreover, it was communicated to the juries that the first four-mentioned prizes were to be valued in the order in which they are given above, that is to say: 1st, Progress; 2d, Herit; 3d, Good Taste, and 4th, Cooperation. Hardly had the work of the juries commenced before the question arose, Can two medals be given to one person ; for instance, Prog- 1>e9s and Good Taste, Merit and Good Taste, or Good Taste Cooperation? These were very natural questions, to