Decoration of Porcelain and Earthenware.

The decorations of plain white china and earthenware, in colors, is a branch of the potters art which is assuming con­siderable importance in the United States, chiefly in conse­quence of the protection afforded by the tariff, the duties being ad valorem , and, of course, much less upon plain white ware than upon the same with the costs of decoration added. It is not alone services for the table, plates, tea-sets, etc., which are thus ornamented, but toilet-sets, and especially set basins and other ceramic plumbers ware and fittings. There are several establishments in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and the West, particularly in Chicago, where quite an exten­sive business is established in decorating and matching broken sets of china or stoneware. Some attention has also been given at the East to the decoration of tiles.

Mr. Staring, of Chicago, has successfully established the business of decorating porcelain in the West. He not only succeeds well with plain colors and gilding, but with flowers and fruit. Pieces*of costly sets, that are accidently broken, are replaced by taking plain white pieces and decorating them to match the rest. Toilet sets, pitchers, mugs and dinner services, are decorated to order. A business of con­siderable proportions is being established in this way.

Some parties in New Haven and New York propose to decorate ware by machinery, on a large scale, under patents issued to S. J. Hoggson. An organization has been formed under the title of "American Enamel Decorating Company. The process consists iii a rapid transfer of designs from roll­ers to the object to be decorated. It is claimed that the work can be done with great rapidity and accuracy, and at very little cost.

Ramifications of the Potters Art.

The following list of trades engaged in the potters and con­

nected arts in Great Britain,

Brick and Tile makers.

Brown Stone potters.

Chemical potters.

Chimney Top manufacturers.

is suggestive and interesting:


China and Earthenware manufac­turers.

China gilders.»

China menders.