China Riveters.

China and Porcelain Door Furni­ture makers.

China and Porcelain manufacturers. China drillers.

China Figure manufacturers.

China Ornament makers.

China painters and gilders.

China Toy makers.

Drain Pipe and Tile makers. Earthenware Figure manufacturers. Earthenware manufacturers. Egyptian Black - ware manufac­turers.

Encaustic Tile makers.

Fancy Jug manufacturers.

Fire Brick makers.

Jug manufacturers.

Melting Pot and Crucible makers. Muffle manufacturers.

Parian manufacturers.

Plumbers 1 Pottery makers.

Porcelain Letter makers.

Porcelain manufacturers.


'Potters 1 engravers.

Rockingham Ware manufacturers. Stone Bottle makers.

Stone Mortar and Pestle manufac­turers.

Stone potters.

Stoneware manufacturers. Terra-Cotta makers.

Tobacco Pipe makers.

Vase manufacturers.

To these may be added the following occupations sustained in Great Britain by an active ceramic industry:

brick and Tile Machine makers. Brick Makers 1 Implement manufac­turers.

Brick Mould makers.

Grinding Mill makers.

Kiln builders.

Machinists in general.

Bug Mill makers.

Potters 1 Wh'eel makers.

Ash merchants.

Chert Stone dealers. China Clay merchants. Clay merchants.

Flint millers.

Manganese merchants. Marble Clay merchants. Pipe Clay manufacturers. Zaffres refiners.

Classification of Pottery.

The word pottery in its widest sense, and as used in this Report, is a very comprehensive term, including all fictile productions of which clay is the chief material. This wide range of products may be grouped under two grand divisions ~~-the Earthy and the Vitreous. Of the first, ordinary ea rthenware and faience are examples ; and of the second, Porcelain or china. The chief characteristics of the earthy ^vision are, as the name indicates, an earthy substance, P°rosity, infusibility, opacity and comparative softness; of vitreous, a vitreous substance, fusibility, translucency ail d comparative hardness.