Palissy. The lovers of artistic decoration lingered over the display made by Deck, admiring not only the high chimney- piece, but the large plates and ornamental objects decorated by paintings from the hands of masters in the art. Their names, well known to connoisseurs, displayed on a large mural tablet in enduring enamels, are as follows : Messieurs Anker, Bennier, Collin; Mademoiselle Escallier; Messieurs Gluck, Ilirsch, Jullien, Legrain, Rannier, and Rieber.

Parvillee, Leon, Paris, 1 Rue Pfeuve-Fontaine-St. Georges, at the angle of the Rue de Douai , exhibited a variety

decorative objects, vases, plates and platters in enamelled terra-cotta, in Persian patterns remarkable alike for brilliancy of colors and the sharp-dividing lines of the designs, the enam­els being in high relief. The basis of these wonderfully-fine enamels is the red terra-cotta or earthenware. The designs have been obtained directly from Persian work and manu­scripts. The specimens attracted much attention from con­noisseurs, and most of them were sold early in the season to the agents of the art museums of Europe. One of the finest Samplesa vase of peculiar form, with tall narrow neck and sculptured handleswas secured by a citizen of Boston for the Art Museum in that city.

Interior Decoration in Enamel.

Parvillee has executed many important works for in­terior decoration in the oriental style, and exhibited a port- folio of manuscript designs in colors of the apartments which hnve been decorated by him with his enamelled plaques and tiles.

The enamels of M. Parvillee are opaque and have consider­ate relief. The colors are extremely pure and clear, and aie laid on with care,the' same precaution of drawing a c Ei*k dividing or marginal line between each color, as in the Pecimen described from Choisy-le-Roi, being taken. In ai 'villees specimens, however, the enamels appear to have been put directly upon the white earthenware paste without §taze, which, apparently, was added afterwards for the in- tciior and edge of the vessel.

If the large pieces of interior decoration are carried out