rated iron-stone china dinner services at from 60 to 80 florins the set ($30 to $40) ; a fern pattern set for six persons for 85 florins ($42).

Doulton, H., & Company, 28 High Street , Lambeth , Lon­don , exhibited an interesting and important series of "blue metallic clay goods for pavings, copings, ridge-tiles, chan­nellings, and curbings, and for use in buildings where extra strength is required. Also, a collection of artistic stone-ware mugs, jars, flagons, etc. These last were especially interest­ing as examples of what may be accomplished with the cheap­est and commonest materials in artistic hands. The objects were very pleasing, and the prices moderate. Each article is hand-made, and, while it is soft, designs are drawn upon the surface with a sharp-pointed style, leaving a deeply-incised line, into which the faintly-colored salt glazing flows and fills it flush with the surface. The designs consist chiefly °f birds, animals, and flowers. Twenty or thirty artists are employed, and the artices produced are in great demand. For this manufacture, the clays of Devonshire and Dor­chester, with the sand of Woolwich and of Charlton, are chiefly used. The clays are simply dried and broken up, and mixed with the sand in proportions determined by the quality of the ware desired. The paste, after kneading and beating to secure complete mixture and solidity, is passed between cast-iron rollers. The objects are burned with coal in open kilns of the Staffordshire pattern, and are glazed with salt.

A good collection of this pottery can be seen at the rooms of the Household Art Company, Boston.


The French section afforded an excellent apergu of the condition of the ceramic art in that country. There were many exhibitors, each producing some special forms or char­acters of ware. Although there was an abundance of deco­rated porcelain, there was a stronger and more striking repre­sentation of artistic enamelled faience, majolica, highly' colored wall tiles, and imitations of the ware of Bernard