He discovered the method of making white porcelain in 1709, andrhe was appointed Director of the Meissen works in 1710. Five years later, white porcelain of excellent quality was commonly made, and in 1720, under the direction of Horoldt, excellent paintings with gilding were produced. Groups and figures were modelled in 1731, and, in the succeeding twenty-five years, the productions attained their greatest perfection. The varied productions of the establishment at the present time were conspicuously displayed upon the crimson-covered canopied stand in the main transept, adjoining the rotunda. They consisted chiefly of the finer sorts of vases and decorated Avare, and fully sustained the high reputation of the works. The productions, how­ever, include ordinary dinner-services and ware for domestic use, much of it decorated in cobalt blue, and artificial ultra-marine; colored enamels, and other materials for the production of porcelain. About 600 workmen are employed, and the value of the product annually is about 400,000 tha­lers (in 1871, 370,000 thalers). The market is chiefly abroad. For the blue decorated dinner-services there is a great de- mand, so that the works are two years in arrears of the orders.

C. Tielscii & Co., Altu'cisser, Schlesien, manufacturers of porcelain , stone-china , aud fire-brick .The consumption of raw materials by this establishment amounted to 324,483 thalers in value, and the production to 20,000,000 pieces, worth 750,000 thalers, the greater portion of which was for home consumption. Forty-five officers and foreman, and about 1,700 workmen, in two establishments ; seven steam- engines, with an aggregate of 158 horse-power. Founded m 1845. Progress Medal awarded.

Carl Krister, T Valdenburg, Schlesien, exhibited table- services, clocks, vases, etc. There are two establishments, founded in 1831, manufacturing not only porcelain articles, but bricks, fire-bricks, and tiles. They make a specialty of table and coftee services. The consumption of raiv materials} in 1871, amounted to 220,000 centners, and the productio 11 to 639,000 thalers worth, mostly for home consumption