Thirty-two officers and overseers, 1,475 workmen; 6 steam- engines, 'with 126 horse-power. Merit Medal awarded.

C. Heckmann & Rappsilber, KonigszeU , Schlesien, ex­hibited toilet-services, table-services, mosaics, etc. Estab­lished in 1864. Make a specialty of table, coffee, and toilet services. Value of the productions in 1872, 270,000 tha­lers; sold in Germany. Four hundred workmen, 2 steam- engines, 32 horse-power. Diploma of Honor awarded.

Waeciitersbacher Steingutfabrik, Schlierbach , Hes- sen-JS T assau .Coffee and tea services. 'Established in 1834. Two hundred and twenty-eight workmen, 1 steam-engine, 5 water-wheels.

Villeroy & Boch, Mettlach, Wallerfangen , Sejptfontaines and Dresden. This establishment, well known from its pro­ductions and as the largest in existence, probably, for the production of fine faience, made an attractive display of its Products in the rotunda. This display comprised dinner and dessert, coffee and tea services, toilet ware, vases and orna­mental objects in faience and in terra-cotta, of superior duality and decoration. The terra-cotta plates, platters and tablets, were ornamented by incised designs, filled in with the same material as the base or groundwork, but of a darker c °l°r, as encaustic tiles are made. This, and the manu­facture of tiles by pressure from pulverized materials, con­fute specialties of the establishment.

The productions amount in value to 1,000,000 of thalers auniially. In 1871, the total value was 1,170,000 thalers. Nearly the whole of Germany is supplied with faience from this establishment, and at such low prices that foreign man­ufactures cannot profitably compete for the trade.

The works were started at Wallerfangen in 1789; at Mettlach in 1810; at Septfontainfe in 1767 ; and the tile ^°rks in 1868. There are 1,848 workmen, 36 officers, 7 steam-engines, 217 horse-power. Medals were awarded at T°udon in 1851, and at Paris in 1855 and 1867. The jury Raided the Merit Medal.