Imperial Porcelain Manufactory. This imperial estab­lishment, founded in the year 1744, and located near St. Petersburg, exhibited products comparable with the finest of Sevres, Meissen or Berlin, consisting of vases, services, plat­ters, jardinieres, bouquet-holders, biscuit-figures, etc. They were all remarkable for perfection in form, color and exqui­site painting, but a few of the most striking objects will be mentioned. In biscuit, nothing could be finer than the large bouquet of flowers and leaves, showing a quality of paste unsurpassed for whiteness and working capabilities. Every petal was perfect, and almost as thin as in nature. Lace pattern dishes bore equal testimony to the perfect control of the form of the paste in firing. A tea-set, antique Chinese pattern, decorated with flowers, attracted much attention. Among the large objects, the most notable were the porce­lain table-top, three feet in diameter, snow-white in the centre, with a wreath of flowers forming the border, perfect in drawing, color and every detail; and a magnificent vase six feet high, painted with twelve cupids, dancing, holding a string of ivy. This vase was valued at $2,500.

This establishment was founded in 1744. It employs 230 workmen, and has a steam-engine of 12 horse-power. L has 4 furnaces and 6 muffles. The animal production is valued at 100,000 roubles.

Repine, Prince Nicholas, Kiev , exhibited a beautiful des- sert-service of old Sevres, of the year 1765-1766 : color, turquoise blue. See " Sevres.

Stepanoff, Michel, VarsilUro, Bogorodsk District, ex­hibited refractory tablets and bricks, alembics, gas-retorts, etc. The establishment was founded in 1871; it einplo) s 100 workmen, 14 horse-power steam-engine, and the produc­tion is valued at 200,000 roubles. Diploma.

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There was also in the Russian section a fine series ° earthenware, domestic utensils, and liquid measures, i c ' markable for excellence of form and cheapness ; but no infor­mation concerninsr them could be obtained.