in 1792. Consumed, in 1871, 2,100 thalers worth of raw materials. Market in Germany. Twenty-three workmen,

1 steam-engine of 12 horse-power. Diploma awarded.

W ingender Brotiiers, Ilohr, Hessen-Wassau. Exhib­ited clay pipes, cigar-holders, etc., of which they make some 5,000,000 pieces of all kinds annually, valued at 18,000 thalers. A market for one-half of their produc­tion is found in Germany, the balance is exported. They employ 68 workmen. Works established in 1798.

Sciilesische Tiionwaarenfabrik, Tschauschwitz JSFeisse , Schlesien. Stoves, majolica building ornaments, refractory ware, etc. A specialty is made of majolica building orna­ments. The chief market for the products is found in Ger­many. There are 204 workmen, 1 steam-engine of 24 horse-power. Value of products in 1871, 90,000 thalers, °ut of clay worth 8,500 thalers.

II. J. Nygen & Co., Duisburg , Rhenish Provinces. An interesting series of refractory blocks, shaped caretully tor the various parts of high furnaces, cast-steel furnaces, rever­beratory furnaces, etc., was exhibited by this firm, as also gas-retorts, crucibles, etc. The productions, in 1871, ^mounted in weight to 360,000 centners, and in value to ^00,000 thalers. Two hundred and sixty-six workmen employed, The greater portion of the product is used in Germany. Progress Medal.

^Iagdeburger Bau-und Credit Bank, Magdeburg . Ex­hibited clay goods, glazed and painted stove tiles, stoves, glazed terra-cotta ware, building and paving bricks, fire- s l°nes, etc. In 1871, they produced 85,000 thalers worth goods, using 30,000 centners of clay, 216 workmen, 4 steam-engines of 19 horse-power, 14 ordinary burning ovens, 1 ^lendheims mas rinsr-oven with 18 chambers, and 1 HotF-

minis ring-oven with 16 chambers.