priate to their organization. A German girl, yoked with a donkey and dragging a cart, is an exhibition of monstrous muscular and aborted brain development. An American girl, yoked with a dictionary, and laboring with the catamenia, is an exhibition of mon­strous brain and aborted ovarian development.

The investigations incident to the prepa­ration of this monograph have suggested a number of subjects kindred to the one of which it treats, that ought to be discussed from the physiological standpoint in the interest of sound education. Some, and per­haps the most important, of them are the relation of the male organization, so far as it is different from the female, to the labor of education and of life ; the comparative influence of crowding studies, that is of excessive brain activity, upon the cerebral metamorphosis of the two sexes; the influ­ence of study, or brain activity, upon sleep, and through sleep, or the want of it, upon nutrition and development; and, most impor­tant of all, the true relation of education to