The International Juries.


XXII. Rules Respecting the. Award of Prizes.

In making the awards the following principles' will be observed :

1. The Diploma of Honour of the Universal Exhibition of 187 $ in Vienna is to be considered as a particular distinction for eminent merits in the domain of science, its application to the education of the people, and its conducement to the advancement of the intellectual, moral, and material welfare of man. This distinction can only be awarded by the Presidents Council cn the proposition of one of the Group Juries.

2. The Medal for Progress is for Exhibitors in Groups I. to XXIII., and in Group XXVI., who, compared with the productions exhibited at previous Exhibitions, can prove noticeable progress in new inventions, in the introduction of new materials and contrivances, &c.

3. The Medal for Merit will be awarded to Exhibitors who can lay claim to excellence and perfection in material and workmanship, large extent of production, the opening of new markets, the employment of improved tools and machinery, and cheapness of produce.

4. The Medal for Fine Arts is for distinguished art productions exhibited in Group XXV.

5. The Medal for Good Taste is for Exhibitors of articles of industry the form and colour of which constitute the characteristic features for adjudication.

6. The Medal for Co-operators is for such persons who, as managers of manufactories, foremen, designers of patterns, modellers, or as general assistants, are nominated on the part of the Exhibitors on account of the leading part they have taken in the features of excellence of the productions, or in the increase of their sale.

7. The Diploma of Merit , or Honourable Mention , will be awarded to Exhibitors who have given proof of meritorious accomplishments, but not in such a degree as to justify their title to either the Medal for Progress or for Merit.

XXIII. Central Office of the Jury.

For the purpose of transacting the business, &c., of the Jury as regards their constitution, deliberations, and proceedings, the Delegates of the Director-General (Section VII.) will form a Bureau, which will collect and submit to them all documents intended for the members of the Jury, send out the invitations for the Jury meetings, inform the Foreign Commissioners and the Exhibitors of the arranged examination of their Exhibition objects by the Jury, keep the minutes of the meetings, and carry on the whole correspondence, giving all manner of information, and procuring all assistance and appliances necessary for making the awards

The President of the Imperial Commission. (Signed) Archduke Rainer.


(Signed) Baron Schwarz-Sf.ndorx.

42, Praterstrasse,

15th February, 1873.