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British Colonies.




List of the Commissioners appointed by the Colonial Government to act in the Colony in furtherance of the objects of the Exhibition.

Sir Wm. Foster Stawell, Knt., Chief Justice. Sir Redmond Barry, Chairman of Commission. The Hon. Sir C. Gavan Duffy, M.P.

The Hon. W. M. K. Vale, M.P.

The Hon. Howard Spensley, M.P.

The Hon. W. H. F. Mitchell, M.L.C.

The Hon. Sir Francis Murphy.

The Hon. C. J. Jenner, M.L.C.

The Hon. R. C. Hope, M.L.C.

The Hon. T. H. Fellows, M.P.

The Hon. S. H. Bindon.

The Hon. J. T. Smith, M.P.

James Macbain, Esq., M.P.

William Williams, Esq., M.P.

Joseph Jones, Esq., M.P.

The Count de Castelnau.

D. C. Macarthur, Esq.

Charles Edward Bright, Esq.

The Rev. J. I. Bleasdale, D.D.

W. W. Wardell, Esq.

Samuel Ramsdf.n, Esq.

George Bencraft, Esq.

Paul de Castella, Esq.

Thomas Lambert, Esq.

Hugh Parker, Esq.

Matthew MCaw, Esq.

Samuel Sextus Ritchie, Esq. i The Hon. Robert Ramsay, M.P.

James B. Patterson, Esq., M.P.

Orlando Fenwick, Esq.

The Hon. Sir Geo. F. Verdon, K.C.M.G., C.B. The Hon. J. OShanassy, M.L.C., C.M.G.

T. J. Sumner, Esq.

Emil Thoneman, Esq.

Thomas OGrady, Esq.

G. C. Levey, Secretary .

Victoria is situated at the south-east of the continent of Australia, and is bounded on the west by the Colony of South Australia. On the north and north-east by the Colony of New South Wales, and on the south and south-east by the Southern Ocean. The area of Victoria is 86,831 square miles, or 55,571,840 acres. The whole continent of Australia is estimated to contain about 3,000,000 of square miles, and Victoria conseqently occupies barely a thirty-fourth part of its surface. Great Britain, exclusive of the islands in the British seas, contains 89,644 square miles, and is therefore slightly larger than Victoria. Wheat produced in Victoria, in 1870, was 5,697,056 bushels; horned cattle, 721,096; 76,334,480 lbs. of wool was exported in 1871. From its geographical position, Victoria enjoys a climate far more genial to Europeans than any other colony within the continent of Australia. In regard to heat, the weather is never severely oppressive except during the prevalence of hot northerly winds, and these occur only at intervals during the summer months.

The quantity of gold raised from the date of the first discovery (1851) to 31st Dec., 1871, is estimated at 40,749,848 ozs., which at 4/. per oz. gives the value as 162,699,392/.

There are 330 miles of railway completed in Victoria, and in full operation.

A large extension of the various lines is now being carried out.

Stage-coaches run to all parts of the Colony, except those for which railway com­munication is available.

Rates of Labour on Farms.The average rate of wages on farms, which varies considerably in different districts, is, ploughmen, per .week, 26 s .; farm labourers, per week, 17 s. ; married couples, per annum, 57/. ios : females, per week, ioj. 8 d.; mowers per week, 295-. 6 d., per acre, 6^.; reapers, per week, 31L, per acre, 15$.; threshers, per bushel, 6 d.