Catalogue of the British Section.



Civil Engineering, Public Works, and Architecture.

Preliminary Arrangement .

Building materials; processes and apparatus for quarrying, brickmaking; iron girder work; pre­paration and preservation of wood ; artificial stone, terra-cotta work, &c.

Materials and appliances for foundations (pile-drivers, screw-piles, coffer-dams, caissons, pneumatic and diving apparatus).

Contrivances and tools for earth-works (excavators, dredging machines, apparatus for raising, carrying, and transporting earth and materials).

Materials and apparatus used for roads and railways (road rollers; railway superstructure, switches, crossings, turn-tables, traversing-tables, inclined planes, lifts; pneumatic and other modes of pro­pelling ; water stations and their apparatus, railway station buildings of all kinds, and systems of railway signals).

Hydraulic engineering works, excluding sea works (river works, canal works, dikes, locks, dams, See .).

Models and plans of viaducts, bridges, and aqueducts, &c.

Plans, models, and drawings of public buildings, dwelling-houses, barracks, penitentiaries, prisons, and hospitals, schools and theatres, labourers cottages ; apparatus for lifting and moving heavy weights in buildings, as lifts, &c.; plans and models of cheap dwelling-houses ; tools and implements of artisan builders.

Apparatus and inventions for health, comfort, and convenience in buildings (for lighting, water sup­ply, drainage, waterclosets, lightning conductors, & c.)

Agricultural engineering; plans for culture, fencing, draining; farm buildings; buildings for cattle breeding; stores, stables, manure tanks, &c.

Industrial buildings ; spinning mills, weaving mills, grinding mills ; distilleries, breweries, sugar manu­factories ; warehouses, sawmills and docks, &c.

Sections for the Juries.

1st Section. Above ground Building.

2nd Section. Hydraulic Architecture.

3rd Section. Making of Roads and Construction Railways.


The Private Dwelling House, its inner Arrangement and Decoration

Preliminary Arrangement. Sections for the Juries.

Models, drawings, and finished buildings representing The Private Dwelling House.

dwelling-houses of civilized nations.

Drawings)^models, and examples of thoroughly fur­nished apartments.


The Farm House, its Arrangements, Furniture, and Utensils.

Preliminary Arrangement. Sections for the Juries.

Finished buildings, models, and drawings of farm- The Farm House, houses of the different nations of the world.

Drawings, models, and examples of peasant rooms, furnished and fitted out with their furniture and
