Catalogue of the British Section.


Education, Teaching and Instruction.

Preliminary Arrangement .

Education, exhibition of all the arrangements and contrivances for the better nursing, training, and rearing of children ; their physical and mental development from the first days of their life up to school-time; their nourishment. Cradles, nurseries, &c. ; child gardens, (kinder-garten), child games and amusements, child gymnastics.

Teaching. Exhibition of school houses and school apparatus in models, drawings, and examples. Exhibition of means of instruction. The works and journals of instruction. Description and illustra­tions of methods of instruction. History and statistics of a school, its organisation and laws.

(i.) Elementary schools. This department will include apparatus for the instruction ot the blind, deaf, dumb, and idiots.

(2.) Middle schools, comprehending gymnasiums, Realschulen, or schools wherein exact science and modem languages are taught. (3.) Professional and technical colleges.

(4.) Universities.

Instruction in the more limited sense ; instruction ot adults through literature, the public press, public libraries, and educational societies, and associations for instruction.

Sections for the Juries .

1st Section. Plans, Organization, means of instruc­tion, and performances of National Schools.

2nd Section. Middle Class Schools.

3rd Section. Technical Colleges and Universities. 4th Section. Auxiliary means for the improvement of Adults.

All machinery is contained in Group 13, but, never­theless the machines for working special kinds of material will be examined by the jury of the profes­sional group to which they may belong, with the assistance also of competent machine builders. It is left to the free will of the exhibitor to choose the group in which he wishes his object to be placed, should it be susceptible of being placed in more than one group.

Additional Exhibitions.

1. The history of inventions.

2. The history of industry.

3. Exhibition of musical instruments of Cremona.

4. Exhibition of the use of waste materials and their products.

5. The history of prices.

6. The representation of the commerce and trade of the world.

Temporary Exhibitions.

1. Live Animals (horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, fowls, game, fish, &c.).

2. Butchers meat, venison, poultry, pork, &c.

3. Dairy produce.

4. Garden produce (fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, flowers, plants, &c.).

5. Living plants injurious to agriculture and forestry.