Group II.Agriculture, Horticulture, and Forestry.



16, Mark Lane, L.ondon ; Works: London, Plymouth, Navport, and Bristol. Patent Ammonia-fixed Guano ; Chemical Manures and their constituents ; Sulphuric Acid, &c.

(See A ffienjix.) ( * 3 )

FOWLER, George & Thomas, 25, Great Dover Street, l.ondon.Prepara­tions for Destruction and Prevention of Insect Blights and Mildew on Plants ; Hor­ticultural Manures. (377)

(See also Group III.)

LLOYD, E., Grantham, I.incolnshire. Horticultural Structures ; Drawings of Iron Transportable Dwelling Houses for workingmen. ^Appendix.) (h)

HUDSPITII, W., South Tyne Works, Hallwhistle, Northumberland. Fern and Flower Stands ofImperishable Terra­cotta. (15)

CLAYTON, SON & HOWLETT, Atlas Works, Wood field Road, LI arrow Road, L.ondon.Condensed Peat for fuel or. for conversion into Charcoal, prepared by patented Machinery, with samples of Raw Peat, as dug from Cambridgeshire, York­shire, Somersetshire, and Ireland ; Photo­graphic Illustration of the Peat Machine.


DOWN & COMPANY, Woburn, Bedfordshire.Downs Farmers Friend, a dressing for seed-wheat, for the prevention of smut, and the ravages of the slug, grub, and wire-worm. (34+)

SIMON, II., C.E., 7, Peters Square, Manchester .Pagets Patent Garden Pumps and Fire Engines. (54 1 )

(See also Group XIII.)

FOX, J. Cavan, Royal Horticultural Gardens, South Kensington, London .Rustic Summer House. (82)

CLARKE, G. B., Woburn, Beds. Wheat Protector for preserving seed wheat from smut and insects. (29)

(See also Groups III. and IV.)

SWAN, BROTHERS, Kirkcaldy, N.B.Baltic Flax. (740*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

MINTER, NASH & NASH, Strand, London.Flower Roots. (740*)

(See a Iso A ddit ion a l E xh ib it ions.)

BOWES, J. L., & BROTHER, Queens Buildings, I.iverpool.Wools. (74°*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

BENCKE & SHARMAN, 7, Rum- ford Street, Liverpool.Fibres, various. (740*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

STEAD, BROTHERS, ji, Peters Buildings, Liverpool.Cotton Wool. (740*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

DARBYSHIRE, McKINNELL & COMPANY, Tower Buildings, Liverpool . Series of Animal Products, imported into Great Britain from the River Plate, South America (74°*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions))

NEILSON, IL, 7, Brunswick Street, Liverpool.South American Cotton. (740*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

LEWIS & PEAT, 11, Mincing Lane, London.Colonial Produce. (740*)

(See also Group III. and Additional Exhibitions.)

MEYERS & DAVIS, 56, Southwark Street, Lo?idon.Canes, Sticks, and Rattans in the rough, for walking and umbrella sticks, furniture, and fishing-rods (740*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions and Appendix.)

MYERS, M., 12, Minories, L.ondon. Ivory, Tortoiseshell, Shells, &c. (7+0*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

WIGAN & COMPANY, 2, Budge Row, L.ondon. Isinglass. (74°*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

PATRY & PASTEUR, 38, Mincing I.ane, Londoti.Indigo. (740*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

HEAL &: SON, 195 and 198, Tot­tenham Court Road, London.Bed-feathers.


(See also Group VIII. and Additional Exhibitions.)

GARDINER, Joseph, & COM­PANY, 5, New L.ondon Street, l.ondon.Hard Woods. (74°*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

EATON, H. W., & SONS, 33, Old Broad Street, Lojidoti.Cocoons of Silk­worms. (740*)

(See also Group V. and Additional Exhibitions.)