Group III. Chemical Industry.


CALVERT, F. C., & COMPANY, Tower Chemical Works, Bradford, near Man­chester.AcidsCarbolic, Rozalic, Picric, Cresylic; Dyes and Colours derived from the above acids; Carbolic Soaps, Disinfect­ing Fluid and Powder, Sheepwash, &c. (21)

CORNELISSEN & TALLE, 22, Great Queen Street, London. Printing Ink and Varnishes; Colours for Chromo-Litho­graphy and general Lithographic Materials.


DENTON & JUTSUM, 8, New Broad Street, London.Varnishes, Colours, Gums, Oils, and Greases. (23)

BORWICK, G., & SONS, 24, Chis- well Street, L.ondon.Knife Powder. (70)

(See also Group IV. and Appendix.)

PICKERING, Joseph, Mowbray Street, Sheffield.Plate Powder, Polishing Paste, Furniture Polish, Harness Blacking, Razor-strop Paste, and Knife Powder. (25)

(See Appendix.)

BOND, M. A., 75, Southgate Road, London. Marking Inks, and Appliances for their use. (26)

(See Appendix.)

HUTCHINSON, John, & COM­PANY, Widties, Lancashire.Chemical Pro­ducts of Alkali ManufactureSoda, Caustic Soda, Sulphur, recovered from Alkali waste and Bleaching Powder. (27)

JOHNSON, MATTHEY & COM­PANY, Hatton Garden Works, London. Platinum Refining Boilers, Sulphuric Acid Apparatus, Crucibles, Assay Apparatus, Syphons, and Condensing Coils; Measures and Weights in Iridio-Platinum for inter­national use ; Mineral Platinum, Palladium, Iridium, &c. (28)

(See also Group I. Additional Exhibitions and Appendix.)

CLARKE, G. B., Woburn, Beds. Sheep Dipping Composition. (29)

(See also Groups II. and IV.)

DINNEFORD & COMPANY, 172, New Bond Street, London.Magnesia, Fluid Magnesia, Salts of Magnesia, Granules, and other Pharmaceutical Preparations. ( 30)

(See also Group V.)

NEWCASTLE CHEMICAL WORKS COMPANY, THE (Limited), Newcastle-on-Tyne .Bicarbonate of Soda, Refined and Unrefined Alkali, Bleaching Powder, Soda Crystals, Caustic Soda, and Chloride of Calcium. (31)

SMITH, T. & H., & COMPANY, 21, Duke Street, Edinburgh, and 12, Worship Street, London. Chemical Products and Pharmaceutical Preparations; Morphine, Codeine, Cryptopia, and all Principles of Opium ; Chloroform, Cantharidine, Aloine, Alkaloids, Pure Resins, Bromide of Potash, &c. (32)

CROY, Andrew, 58, North Hanover Street, Glasgow.Non-conducting Cement.


WILKIN & CLARK, 4!, Fimhury Circus, London. Bichromate of Potash, with the chrome ore from which it is made.

( 33 )

WATKINS, Alfred T., 20, Budge Row , LondonWashing Fluid, called Pan- katharon, to supersede soap and soda. (34)

BUSH, W. J., & COMPANY, 21 and 22, Artillery Lane, Bishops gate Street, Londoft. Fruit Essences, Essential Oils, Quintessences for culinary purposes, Harm­less Vegetable Colours for Confectionery, Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia, and other granular preparations. (35)

DUNCAN, FLOCKHART & COMPANY, 52, North Bridge, Edinbirrgh. Chloroform; Medicated Pessaries, Supposi- tores, and Bougies; White Gutta-percha for Stopping Teeth. (36)

CARSON, W., & SONS, BelleSauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill, London.PaintAnti­corrosive Paint for IronWork, Porous Stone, Brick, and Wood ; Improved Paint Pot. (37)