Catalogue of the British Section.


Textile Industry and Clothing.

Washed Wool and Hair used for Textile Fabrics, Carded Wool and Worsted, Combed Wool and Woollen Fabrics, Felt Carpets, Blankets, Hair Tissues, Mixed Fabrics, including Shawls. Cotton, Cotton Substitutes, Cotton Thread, Cotton Fabrics, and Cords. Flax, Hemp, Jute, and other Fibres, Yarns, Threads, and Fabrics of the same, Straw Fabrics for Bonnets, Screens, and Mats, Webs and Cords of Reed, Cane, Bass, Hair, Wire, &c. Raw Silk, Spun Silk, and Manufactures of Silk, Silk Wastes. Small Ware Manufactures, Gold and Silver Cloths and Embroideries. Lace. Hosiery, milled and unmilled. Finished Objects of Clothing (Clothes, Gowns, Hats, Bonnets, Shoes and Boots, Gloves and Linen, &c.). Upholstery, Carpeting, Curtains, Bed-Furniture, &c. Artificial Flowers and Feather Ornaments. Processes and Inventions used in the production of these Manufactures. Statistics of Production.

NEWELL, C. J., Newtown, Mont­gomeryshire, Hates. Welsh Gauze and Flannel. (95)

DINNEFORD & COMPANY, 172, Nau Bond Street, London.Horsehair Fric­tion Gloves, Belts, Bath Brushes, and Pads.


(See also Group III.)

BLISS, W., & SON, Chipping Norton.Tweeds, Coatings, Military Serges, Shawls, Coverlets, Travelling Rugs, Sadlers Woollens, &c. (96)

DAY, HOWGATE & HOLT, Davs- bury. Woollen and Mixed Fabrics.Presi­dents, Pilots, Reversible and Single Naps; Sealskins, Witneys, Friezes, Woollen Vel­vets; Meltons, Deerskins, Devon Naps. (97)

COGSWELL, J., & COMPANY, Trcnvbridge, Wiltshire.Doeskins, wool-dyed black, 5s. 9d. to 7s. 6d. per yard; Treble Doeskins and Indigo-Blue, milled, 8s.; Superfine, wool-dyed black milled, single and half-milled, 10s. and 7s. 6d. per yard.


BIRCHALL, J. D., & COMPANY, Leeds.Woollen Coatings, plain and fancy.


ZOSSENHEIM, BROTHERS, Huddersfield and Leeds ; Works, Mi)field . Woollen Goods ; Imitation Furs, Sealskin, Otterskin, Dogskin, Astrakan, &c., woven and finished. (101)

ENGERT & ROLFE, Barchester Street, Poplar, London.Felts for covering boilers and roofs, and for ship-sheathing; Fibrous Asphalte for anti-damp course in walls. ( 102 )

(See Appendix.)


! KING, W., Gillroyd and Spring-

field Mills, Morley, Leeds.Union Cloths, j Meltons, Deerskins, &c. ( I0 3)

POOLE, PI., & COMPANY, Saville Renv, London.Woollen Goods. (104)

SMITH, W. Jun .,Morley, near I.eeds, and 11, Aire Street, Leeds. -Union, Melton, and Deerskin Cloths. (106)


i Bridgewater Place, Manchester. Cotton J Cords drab-coloured, fancy cut, fancy wove, printed, and self-colours ; Lamb­skinsgrey, white, and coloured ; Diagonal Cantoons ; Fancy Bedford Cotton Cords ; j Moleskinsdrab, fancy bordered, coloured, ! embossed, printed, self-colours ; Merinos ! black silk finished, and coloured