
Catalogue of the British Section.

BEHRENS, Louis, 41, Portland Street, Manchester.Cotton Velvets, Patent Silk-finished Velvets, Velvettas, and Velveteens, black and coloured. [Rotunda.]


PEEP, BROTHERS, & COM­PANY, Bradford.Woollen Materials and Mixed Fabrics for Ladies Dresses. [Ro­tunda.] (617)

CLARK & COMPANY, Anchor Thread Works, Paisley.Cotton Thread for Hand and Machine Sewing; Crochet, Tatting and Embroidery Cotton. (144)

(See also Group XIIf.)

WARBURG & COMPANY, 9, Lloyd Street, Manchester.Cotton Fabrics ; Velvets, black and coloured ; Mohair Cloth, and Sleeve Linings. (125)

KESSELMEYER, W. & C., 1 , Peter Street, Alanchester. Cotton Velvets and Velveteens, superfine and improved, plain and twilled back, in black, colours, and printed, embossed, and embroidered ; Silk Face Velvets, in black and colours. (126)

HORROCKSES, MILLER & COMPANY, q, Bread Street, Cheapside, Tendon Manchester, Preston, Lancashire . Longcloths, Calicoes,Twills, Shirtings, Plain and Twilled Sheetings. ( I2 7)

JOHNSON, Jabez, & FILDES, 44, Spring Gardens, Alanchester.Toilet, Marseilles, and Alhambra Quilts, Counter­panes, Toilet Covers, Quiltings, Dimities, Damasks, Skirts, Velvets, Linens, Towels, Perched Toiletings, Printed Cretonnes and Muslins. (See Appendix.) (.V $)

WATERS, J. & E., & COMPANY, Talbot Mills, Ellesmere Street, Hnlme, Man­chester.Sewing Cottons ; Cotton, Worsted, and Mohair Braids; Cotton and Worsted Smallwares. [Rotunda.] (129

(See Appendix.)

BROOK, Jonas, & BROTHERS, Meltham Mills, Huddersfield.Patent Glace and Six Cord Sewing Cotton for hand and machine work, white and coloured ; Crochet and Embroidery Cotton. (130)

(See Appendix.)

CARLILE, J., SONS & COM­PANY, Bank End Mills, Paisley.Sewing, Crochet and Embroidery Cotton. (131)

CLARK,J..&COMPANY,Paisley Thread Works, Paisley.Sewing Threads and Cottons of various descriptions. (132)

DEWI-IURST, John, & SONS, Belle Vue Mills, Skipton.Sewing Cotton, in white, black, and colours, with specimens in the various stages of manufacture from raw Sea-island and Egyptian Cotton. (133)

COATS, J. & P., Ferguslie Thread Works, Paisley.Cotton Thread, white, black, and coloured, for hand and machine work ; Extra Glace Thread for machine use; Crochet Cotton, and Shoemakers Thread. (134)

(See Appendix.)

EVANS, Walter, & COMPANY, Derby.Sewing, Knitting, Tatting, Crochet, Embroidering, and Machine Cottons; Glace Thread. (135)

ASHTON & COMPANY, 45, Chorlton Street, Manchester.Cotton Goods, dyed and printed; Velvets, Fustians, Linings, Cords, and Beaverteens ; Satins, Shirtings, Twilled Silecia, Serges, and Cambrics, dyed and printed. (136)

BOWMAN BROTHERS, Halifax, Yorkshire.Cotton Yarns, illustrating pro­cesses of carding, combing, spinning, doubling, &c. (137)

ARMITAGE, Sir Elkanah, & SONS, 48, AToseley Street, Alanchester . Cotton Duck for sail cloth, Rubber Belt­ing, Hose, and American Leather Cloth ; Cotton Fabrics made of dyed yarns, for dress goods and other garments. (138)

CLARKE, I. P., & COMPANY, King Street AIills, and Branch Alills, Leicester. Cotton Thread for sewing machines and for hand sewing. (1390)

ERMEN & ENGELS, Alanchester. Cotton Thread, white and coloured, for