Group VII.Metal Industry.


BEST & LLOYD, Cambray Works, Handsworih, Birmingham.Brass Gas Chan­deliers and Gas Fittings. (3 02 )

WATTS, John, & COMPANY (S. Bateson, inventor), Broad Weir, Bristol. Vermin Asphyxiator; Disinfector, Fumi- gator, and Vaporiser. (783)

TINPLATE DECORATING COMPANY, Neath, Wales.Decorated Tinplates and Goods made from the same; Tinplates, and Tin Ware. (303)

EVERITT, Allen, & SONS, Birmingham.Brass and Copper Tubes, Rolled Sheets, Wire and Nails, Copper Rivets and Washers, and Pierced Brass.


(See Appcndix.)

ELMSLIE, E. W., 5, Great Win­chester Street Buildings, Old Broad Street, London.Hermetically Closed Tin Cases for Preserved Provisions, which can be opened neatly and readily without a knife. (305)

BROWN, J. B., & COMPANY, 90, Cannon Street, London.Galvanized Wire Netting, Fencing Wire, &c. (306)

(See also Group XIII.)

SMITH, Frederick, & COM­PANY, Caledonian Works, Halifax, York­shire.Iron WireFor Cotton and Wool Cards, Colliery Ropes, Ships Rigging, Tele­graphs, Fencing; Weavers Reeds, Ladies Bonnets, &c., with illustrations of manufac­ture. (307)

WALKER, CAMPBELL, & COM­PANY, 59, Bridgewater Street, Liverpool. Haines Patent Block-tin and Lead Pipes.

( 378 )

PEYTON & PEYTON, Bordesly Works, Birmingham.Brass and Iron Bed­steads, Cots, Flower Stands; and Spring Mattresses. (308)

HEMMING, S. C., & COMPANY, 25, Moorgate Street, LondonIron Buildings, namely, two Houses for British Workmen, Royal Commission Pavilion, and Offices of

British Commission, with Club Room. Also a Church, Photographic Association House, and Italian Restaurant. (3°9)

PHILLP, Charles J., 20, Caro­line Street, and 29, Mary Street, Birmingham. Chandeliers. (93)

SANDERS, II. G., Little Albany Street, Regent's Park, London.Metallic Collapsible Tin Tubes for artists colours, perfumes, cosmetics, &c. (310)

CROGGON & COMPANY, Albion Wharf, 10, Upper Thames Street, London . Building, constructed of galvanised corru­gated iron and wood. (319)

FLETCHER, LOWNDES & COM­PANY (per Messrs. Dows, Clark & Com­pany), 13a, Great George Street, Westminster, Lxndon.Pavilion, the roof of which is constructed on Howitts Patent System of Tubular Wrought Iron Ribs. (311)

HOWITT, W., & COMPANY, 13a, Great George Street, Westminster, J.ondon . Roof of Dows, Clark & Companys Pavilion, constructed on tubular ribs. (311*)

LANCASTER, A., 27, South Audley Street, London.Sporting Fire Arms, first quality, with latest and best improvements in Guns and Rifles. (312)

HENRY, Alexander, 12, South St. Andrew Street, Edinburgh. Henrys Express Rifles, Single and Double Barrelled, and Double Central-Fire Gun. (313)

(See also Group XVI.)

LEWIS, George Edward, 32 and 33, Ldwer I.ovcday Street, Birmingham . Breech-loading Sporting Guns, double bar­relled, central fire, &c., ; Double Bolt-snap or Self-locking Pin Fire Breech-loaders for sporting, with steel breech-ends to the barrels ; Treble Grip-snap Breech-loading Sporting Guns, with self-acting compensa­tion bolt to save wear of breech-ends; Double Barrelled Express Sporting Rifle, with low trajectory, *450 bore; Martini- Henry Sporting Rifle, 15/. 15^. (664)

(See also Group XVI.)