Catalogue of the British Section.


DREW, John, 33 , Regent Street, London. Show Cases for the Exhibition.


(See also Group VI.)

SAGE, F., 80 to 84, Gray's Inn Road, London.Show Cases for the Exhibi­tion.^ (751)

(See also JGroup X.)


NEVILL, Lady Dorothy, Bang- stein, Petersfield.Workbox. (336)

MINNS, J., Thorn Lane, Noiwich. Wood Carvings; Animals, Birds, Foliage,&c.


BARNARD, B, 107 St. Paul's Road, Highbury, London.Folding Ham­mock Basinettes and Baskets. (338)

34, Eagle Street, Red Lion Square, London . Show Cases for the Exhibition. (752)

JEFFREYS, Charles, 103, Hatton Garden, London. Shop Fittings and Show cases for the Exhibition. (753)

(See also Groups VII. and X.)

BATTAM, HEYWOOD & HANKS, 54, Oxford Street; 1, Berners Street; and 17, Regent Street, London.Ebon- ised and Gilt Structural Pavilion, Table, Chairs, and Carpet, designed by Dr. Dresser, F.L.S. [Rotunda.] (94)

CLARKE, J. R., 5, Liverpool Street, Walworth, London . Fancy Inlaid Articles in Wood,known asTonbridge Ware; Mosaic Wood, made from natural British and Foreign woods without any dye or colouring.


DUNCAN, J., 6, George Street, Great Portland Street, London.Painted Imitations of Woods and Marbles. (339)

BETJEMANN, G., & SONS, 36,38, j Penionville Road, London . Dressing Cases

and Bags; Desks, Patent Bookslides,

I Albums, Envelope Cases ; Trinket, Work, j and other Boxes, in various woods, Ormolu,

1 &c., decorated with Enamel, Marble, Stones,

; Mosaics, Wedgwood ware, &c. (808)

| (See also Group VII.)

j LE CRAS, J., Jun., St. ILeliers,

Jersey.Encoignure or Corner Cupboard

of Oriental Design. (725)

1 JACKSON, T. S., 199, High Street,

i Southwark, London.Specimens of Stained i Woods. (806)

(See also Group III.)