Catalogue of the British Section.

BURGII CASTLE PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY (Limited), Burgh j Castle, Great Yarmouth.Portland Cement I in its various stages of manufacture, as j prepared for stuccoing, for concrete and for hydraulic purposes; Test Blocks of the same which have borne a tensile strain of 1,120 pounds on ii square inches, after seven days immersion in water; White Suffolk facing and moulded Bricks. (355)

WOOD & IVERY, Albion Brick Works, West Bromwich, Staffordshire.Terra- Metallic Coping, Cornices, Mouldings, Plain and Ornamental Bricks, Channels, Garden Edging, Caps, Plinths, Kerbing and Paving Slabs, &c., &c. (356)

HAMMILL, J. B., Bridgewater . Bath Bricks, made from selected sediments of the river Parret, at Bridgewater, for clean­ing, brightening, and polishing hardware, brass, and other metal work, knives, &c.


FORD, Lewis, & COMPANY, Bristol Road, Gloucester.Slate and Marble, Enamelled, Chimney Piece, Table Tops, &c.


WEDGWOOD, Josiah, & SONS, Etruria, Staffordshire.Jasper or Wedg­wood Ware, white bas-relief on coloured ground, unglazed; Henri-deux imita­tion ; Art Pottery Paintings, by M. Lessore ; Paintings on Raw Enamel, by M. Beau ; Majolica Vases, Dessert, and Fancy Arti­cles ; Enamelled, Printed, and Cream- coloured Earthenware; Chemical and Tele­graphic Ware; Sanatory and Plumbers Ware. (796)

DOULTON & WATTS, Lambeth Potteries, London. Stoneware of every description, for chemical manufacturers, dyers, and others. (357)

JONES, G., Trent Potteries, Stoke- upon-Trent. Earthenware and Majolica.


GREEN, James, 35, Upper Thames Street, London.Table Glass, cut and en­graved ; Glass Lustres and Chandeliers, Vases, Table and other decorative objects.


DANIELL, A. B., & SON, 46, Wigmore Street, London.Glass for House­hold Use and Ornamental Glass; Pottery and Porcelain, Dinner and Dessert, Break­fast and Tea Services, Toilet Ware, Majolica Vases, and Collection of Ornamental Objects. (361)

COPELAND, W.T., & SONS, !6o, New Bond Street, London; and Stoke-upon- Trent, Staffordshire.Glass for Table Use: cut, engraved, plain, and moulded ; Porce­lain Vases, Dinner, Dessert and Tea Services. Statuettes in Ceramic Statuary. (362)

MOORE, E., & COMPANY, Tyne Flint Glass Works, South Shields (Agents for the Continent, Salomon & Jacobson, 14, Deichstrasse, Hamburgh'). Pressed Table Glass, suitable for exportation. (363)

AIRE AND CALDER GLASS BOTTLE COMPANY, Castleford, York­shire. Glass Bottles for Aerated Waters, with patent self-acting stoppers; Bottles used for Wine and Spirits, with patent stoppers and packing cases; Bottles used for Medicine, Perfumery, Oils, Preserves, Pickles, Sauces, &c.; Monster Bottles and Carboys. (364)

PELLATT & WOOD, 25, Baker Street, Portman Square, London.Engraved and Cut Glass; Samples of Table Glass, and Services of new forms and designs ; Plain Thin Glass; and New Light Cut Glass Designs ; China and Earthenware Breakfast, Dinner, and Dessert Services; Pateroe and Vases; Jardinieres; Figures in Terra-Cotta, with Persian Blue Glaze, and New Persian Glaze Ware. (365)

(See Appendix.)

PELLATT & COMPANY, Falcon Glass Works, Blackfriars, London.Plain and Cut Crystal Glass; Table Services; Patterns of Glass for Railway and other purposes ; Specimens of Lapidary Cutting in imitation of celebrated Diamonds. (366)

(See Appendix.)

BOUCHER, GUY & COMPANY, 128, Leadenhall Street, London.Glass, cut and engraved; China and Earthenware.


(See Appendix.)