Catalogue of the British Section*.


Small Ware and Fancy Goods.

Manufactures of Ivory, Meershaum, Tortoise-Shell, Mother-of-Pearl, Whalebone, Wax Wares, Japanned Goods, Sec . Fancy Goods, of Leather, Bronze, &c. Umbrellas, Parasols, Fans, Canes, Whips, &c. Combs and Brushes. Toys. Processes and Inventions used in the Production of Manufactures. Statistics of Production.

ATKINSON, J. & E., 24, Old Bond Street, London .Ivory and Tortoise­shell Goods. (47)

KENT, G. B., & COMPANY, Great Marlborough Street, London .Brushes for the Toilet, for the Stable, and for Painters"


(See also Group Iff.)

COLLINGS & WALLIS, King Edward's Road, Birmingham. Japanned Trays, Waiters, Coal Scuttles, Toilet Ware, Cash Boxes, Candlesticks; Japanned Papier- Mach6 Tables, Writing Desks, Trays, Ink- stands, &c.; Japanned Iron and Pearl Vases.

( 2 57 )

(See also Group VII.)

SCHLETTER & COMPANY, Birmingham.Ivory and Pearl Shell Work; Umbrellas, Combs, &c. (217)

\See also Groups VI. and VII.)

SAGE, F., 80 to 84, Gray's Inn Road, London.Fancy Stands for Jewellery.


(See also Group VIII.)

JEFFREYS, Charles, 103, Hatton Garden, London.Velvet Jewellery- Stands, Morocco and Velvet Cases for Jewellery. (753)

(See also Groups VII. and VIII.)

SANGSTER & COMPANY, 140, Regent Street; 10, Royal Exchange ; 94, Fleet Street, and 7 5, Cheapside,London .U m brellas, Parasols and Sunshades. [Rotunda.] (380)

SWAINE & ADENEY, 185, Picca­dilly, London.Whips, Riding and Walking Canes and Sticks. (211)

(See also Group VI.)

(See Appendix.)

STEWART, S. R., & COMPANY, Aberdeen Comb IVorks, Aberdeen .Combs of all kinds in Tortoiseshell, Horn, and Vulcanite; Horn Spoons, Drinking Cups, and Druggists Scoops; Vulcanite Bracelets, Chains, Ornaments, &c. (382)

(See Appendix.)

LEWIS, E. W., 4, Sherwood Crescent, Upper Westbourne Park, London. Gyro­scopes; Aerial, Scientific, Mechanical and other Toys. (383)

BINKO, H. Bock, 183, City Road, London.Toys. (384)

(See also Group XI.)

CREMER, W. H., 21 o, Regent Street, London .Toys and Games. (386)

SMITH & WRIGHT, Birmingham. Buttons, Gilt Jewellery, and Dress Orna­ments. (387)

JONES & Co., hi , Jermyn Street, London .Fishing Tackle, &c. (316)

PEAGAM, J. J. R., 7, Queen Street, St. Helier's Jersey .Walking Sticks made from the Stalk of the Jersey Cabbage.

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