9 8

Catalogue of the British Section.

Commercial Lithography and Typography, fitted with self-acting registering apparatus, and adapted for hand and steam power. (405)

McKEAN & COMPANY, 42, Borough Road, London.Rock Boring Ma­chine or Drill, with Air Compressor, Portable Steam Boiler, and Feed Pump for the same.

- (506)

HOLMES, J. E., 12, Buckingham Street, Strand, London.Motive Power for driving Sewing Machines and other light Machinery, shown driving a Sewing Ma­chine. (5°7)

HIND, H., & SON, Queen's Road, Nottingham. Screw-cutting Gap Lathes, Slotting Machine, Shaping Machine, Plan­ing Machine, Wall and Vertical Drilling Machines, Horizontal Boring Machine, Nut-turning Machine, Slotting Machine for Nuts, Parallel and Portable Vices, Chucks, &c. (509)

SCOTT, George, L., Crmvn Iron­works, Heyivood Street, West Gorton, Manches­ter.Wheel-moulding Machine and Steam Ventilator for mines. (510)

BAXTER, W. IT, Elm Cottage, Brixton Hill, London.Automatic Weighing Machine for Corn and other Granular Sub­stances, and for Liquids. (511)

DUNSTON ENGINE WORKS COMPANY, Gateshcad-on-Tyne.Archers Stone Breaker; Newalls Steam Ore Crusher.


KIRKSTALL FORGE COM­PANY, Leeds.Steam Hammers. (280)

(See also Group VII . and Appendix.)

BRADBURY & COMPANY, Old­ham.Sewing and Embroidery Machines, adapted for various domestic and manu­facturing purposes, such as the making of Hats, Caps, Boots, Millinery, and General Clothing; Appliances and Accessories for the Machines, &c., &c. (514)

(See Appendix.)

LAWRENCE, W., & COMPANY, 14, St. Mary Axe, London.Refrigerators for cooling Worts, Milk, and for puri­fying and cooling water; Mashers, Spar­gers, &c.; Models of Ships and other Pumps; Model of Wood and Malorties Patent Fuel Economizing Furnace; Water Boiling, Purifying, and Cooling Apparatus.

( 5 1 5 )

(See also Group X VIII. and Appendix.)

DAVIS & PRIMROSE, 68, Duke Street, Leith.Double-acting Steam Hammer for general forging purposes in smiths shops.


SIB REE, Peter, Great Driffield, Yorkshire.Hydraulic Press for extracting Oils, with Steel Moveable Cylinders, and Double Pumps, Stops, &c. (517)

(See Appendix.)

BERTRAM, J., & SON, Leith Walk Foundry, Edinburgh.Patent Appara­tus for Straining Pulp for Paper Making.


HOPTON, H., & SON, 67, George Street, Fusion Square, London.Bent Car­riage Shafts, Wheels, Bent Woodwork, and other Materials of Carriage building. (519)

ADAMS, R., 31, St rut ton Ground, Westminster, London.Portable Cooking Ap­paratus, called the British Workmans Hotel, for baking and boiling meat, and baking, boiling and steaming vegetables, and for making tea and coffee ; on wheels, and drawn by one horse. (522)

(See Illustration,),

DAVIES, D., Viaduct Works, Crtim- lin, Newport, Monmouthshire.Patent Self­acting Steam Strikers of three sizes, may be worked also by compressed air or water, to replace ordinary hand strikers and con­structed to strike at any angle to the face of the anvil; can be arranged to act upon a circle of four or more anvils or swage blocks.

( 497 )

KAULBACH, E., 39, Maddox Street, Regent Street, London.Model of Improved Steam Engine and Boiler. (406)