I 12

Catalogue of the British Section.

applied to a Bridge Pier, and to a Fort on i the Goodwin Sands. (685)

TWYMAN, Aaron, C.E., 25, Walbrook, London. Plans, Elevations, and Sections of a Dwelling House designed for climates similar to that of Great Britain.

( 686 )

IMPROVED INDUSTRIAL DWELLINGS COMPANY (Limited), 34, Finsbury Circus , London.Models, Photo­graphs, and Plans of Improved Dwellings for the Working Classes. (687)

JONES, Owen, 9, Argyll Place, London. Designs for Wall Decorations, Furniture, Carpets, Paper Hangings, and Silk Hangings. (688)

(See also Groups XI. and XII.)

TALL& COMPANY (Limited), 8, Lau'son Street, Great Dover Street, London . Concrete Dwelling House. (689)

MOSELEY, Andrew, F.I.B.A., 6, Trinity Place, Charing Cross, London, and FULHAM, D.S., Associate King's College, London.Model of Barrack to house 1,000 men, with drawings of the several floors; an elevation and section to the scale of 10 feet to the inch ; detail drawings of parts to a larger scale. (690)

SOCIETY FOR IMPROVING THE CONDITION OF THE LABOUR­ING CLASSES (C. Payne, Secretary). 21, Exeter Hall, Strand, London.Draw­ings of Model Lodging Houses and Reno­vated Houses for Working People; Plans for Cottages for Agricultural Labourers.


DOULTON, H., & COMPANY, 28, High Street, Lambeth, London.Stone­ware, known as Lambeth Pottery, for sani­tary purposes; Drainpipes, Traps, Syphons, Sewage Pipes with sluice valves, Sinks, Closet Basins, Urinals, &c.; Terra-Cotta Flue Linings ; Architectural and Horticul­tural Terra-Cotta ; Damp-proof course Air Bricks; Toilet Articles in white ware, &c.

(3 1 5 )

(See also Group VII.)

SKELTON, T. A., 37, Essex Street, London.Catoptric Lamp for Street Light­ing. (093)

JENNINGS, G., & COMPANY, Lambeth, London.Sanitary Apparatus. (694)

WRIGHT, SUTCLIFFE & SON, Halifax, Yorkshire.Syphon Traps, to pre­vent the rising of noxious gases from sewers, without seam and with syphon cleansing plug, strengthening webs and funnel, cast in one piece for fixing in sink; Artesian Sink or Well Pump in cast lead. (695)

BROWN-WESTHEAD, MOORE & COMPANY, Cauldon Place, Hanley, Staffordshire. Sanitary Earthenware for domestic and other purposes, made under the sanction of the London Board of Health. (696)

(See also Group IX.)

ZIMDARS, C. E., 28, Red Lion Square, London.Patent Pneumatic Bell Ap­paratus, for houses, mines, ships, &c.; Dis­patch Tube; Railway Carriage Signals; Alarums. (697)

LAWRENCE, W., & COMPANY, 14, St. Mary Axe, London.Water Boiling, Purifying, and Cooling Apparatus. (515)

(See also Group XIII. and Appendix.)

BUSBY, T., 10, Baron Street,

Pentonville, London.Bath Valves. (699)

(See also Group VII.)

BLASHILL, Thomas, 10, Old Javry Chambers, London.Design for Extensive Booksellers Establishment in London. (726)

(See also Group XXV.)

DOWS, CLARK & CO., Bedford Street and Chandos Street, Strand, London . Pavilions suitable for the sale of Summer Drinks in the open air. (499)

(See also Group XIII.)

RANSOME, A., & COMPANY, 304, King's Road, Chelsea, London.Arrangement for Removing instantaneously Shavings, Dust, and Light Refuse from Machinery.

( 474 )

(See also G?oup XIII.)

CHADWICK, Edwin C. B., Park Cottage, Upper Sheen, London. Diagram showing New Method of Road Construction and Drainage. Invented by the Exhibitor.

( 3 2 o)