114 Catalogue of the British Section.

2 Tankard and Cover, fictile ivory mounted in metal.The drum carved in high

relief with a bacchanalian group ; on the cover a group of a man subduing a centaur. German (Augsburg) . Late 17th century. The original, of carved ivory, mounted in silver, parcel-gilt, is in the South Kensington Museum, No. 4,529-s8, and is inscribed Bernard Strauss Goldsmid fee. H. 19 in., W. 1i-p in. by 7^ in. Messrs. Frar.chi and Son. Price, fictile ivory with gilt or parcel-gilt mounts, 15/.

3 Violin, carved with woodland scenes.The original, in boxwood, belongs to the

Karl of Warwick, by whom it has been lent to the South Kensington Museum. English. Date about 1330-40, with additions dated 1579. L. 2 ft., W. 7J in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Price, copper bronzed, in imitation of wood, 75/.

4 Shield, with piked centre, of repeusst; or beaten work, with subjects from the life of

Julius Ccesai a legend in Latin elegiacs round the border. Italian. 16th century. The original, of iron, damascened with gold and silver is attributed to Benvenuto Cellini, and is in the Royal Armoury, Windsor Castle. Diam. 22 in. Messrs. Elkington and Co. Price, silvered or oxydised, 3/. 15J

5 Vase and Cover.S tags among foliage in low relief; on the cover a bird. The

original, of silver beaten and chased, is the property of Lord Buckhurst, Knole Park. Indian. II. 14 in., diam. 9 in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Price, silvered, 6/.

6 Vase and Cover. Band of masks between fruit and foliage ; gadroons at top and

bottom; festoons hanging from the cover. The original, of silver beaten and chased, is the property of Lord Buckhurst, Knole Park. 17th century. PI. 16 in., W. 10 in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Price, silvered, SI. 10 s.

7 Goblet.The stem carved in high relief with masks, snails, lions, &c. English.

Ilall-mark, 1567. The original, of agate, mounted in silver gilt, is in the South Kensington Museum, No. 3867. H. 7^ in., diam. 3I in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Price, gilt, 20/.

8 Pax.Of architectural design ; in the centre is a group in full relief of the Virgin

giving the chasuble to St. Ildefonso. Spanish ( Salamanca?). About 1540-50. The original, of silver gilt, is in the South Kensington Museum, No. 3i4~64. H. 10A- in., W. 5P in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Price, gilt, 25/.

9 Painting.On porcelain; two of three rectangular pieces. Copy ofMay Day, in

the Olden Time, painted by PI. S. Marks in 1868. Executed by Miss E. Cambridge, Student of the Porcelain Class, South Kensington. English. 1870.


10 Water colour on silk, grasses, bluebells, and butterflies ; sent to competition for

fan designs, by Louisa Colfax. Modern English.

11 Water colour on silk, wreath of convolvulus and blackberries ; prize object in

competition for fan designs, by Fanny M. Minns. Modern English.

12 Water colour on silk, passion flow'ers; sent to competition for fan designs, by

A. B. Purkiss. Modern English.