Catalogue of the British Section.

28 Photograph of the Eastern Gateway, of the Sanchi Tope, Bhopal, India.

29 Two Frames, from a series, illustrating economic entomology.

30 Botanical Specimens, with Diagrams. By Professor Oliver. (70 frames.)

Sheet. %

1. Descriptive Label. (Table of


2. Buttercup, Clematis, Monkshood.

3. Barberry, White Water Lily.

4. Fumitory, Poppy.

5. Wallflower, Shepherds Purse,

Lunaria, Raphanus.

6. Mignonette, Rock Rose.

7. Pansey, Milkwort.

8. Carnation, Pink, Stitchwort, Sea-


9. St. Johns Wort, Thea Chincnsis.

10. Mallow, Lime or Linden.

11. Flax, Wood Sorrel.

12. Cranes Bill, Tropncolum.

13. Roe, ^anthoxylum, Orange.

14. Holly, Spindle Tree.

15. Buckthorne, Grape Vine.

16. Sycamore, Horse Chestnut.

17. Laburnum, Pea, Acacia.

18. Sloe, Bramble, Apple.

19. Bramble, Cherry, Meadow Sweet,

Lesser Burnet, Dog Rose, Haw­thorne.

20. Meadow Saxifrage, Gooseberry, Red-

flowered Currant.

21. Stonecrop, Sundew.

22. Purple Loose-strife, Myrtle.

23. Willow Herb, Mares Tail.

24. Bryony, Passion Flower.


25. Cow Parsnip, Hemlock, Wild Chervil,


26. Mistletoe, Dogwood.

27. Laurustinus, Honeysuckle, Harebell,

Guelder Rose.

28. Heath, Vaccinium, Lobelia.

29. Woodruff, Coffee.

30. Valerian, Field Scabious.

31. Ox-eye Daisy, Bluebottle, Dandelion.

32. Bluebottle, Dandelion, Ox-cyc Daisy.

33. Cowslip, Thrift.

34. Ash, Lilac, Gentian.

35. Periwinkle, Periploca Grarca.

36. Bindweed, Dodder, Jacobs Ladder.

37. Deadly Nightshade, Potato.

38. Forget-me-Not, Bignonia, Comfrey.

39. Toad-flax, Fox-glove, Germander


40. Bladderwort, Utricularia, Sage,

White Dead Nettle.

41. Garden Verbena, Ribwort.

42. Good King Henry, Orache, Ama-


43. Dock, Daphne Pontica.

44. Bay Laurel. Camphor Tree.

45. Birthwort, Elacagnus.

46. Box, Sun Spurge, Mercury.

47. Plane, Elm.

48. Nettle, Hemp, Hop.

49. Mulberry, India-rubber Fig.


50. Walnut, Sweet Gale.

51. Hazel.

52. Beech, Oak, Spanish Chestnut, Horn­


53. Birch, Alder, Poplar, Willow.

54. Yew, Juniper, Scotch Fir, Arbor-


55. Dwarf Fan-palm, Areca baueri.

56. Cuckoo-pint, Pondweed, Duckweed.

57. Water Plantain, Flowering Rush,


58. Tway-blade, Orchis.

59. Crocus, Narcissus, Snowdrop, Yellow


60. Blue-bell, Garlick, Butchers Broom,

Asparagus, Tulip.

61. Simlax, Field Rush, Soft Rush.

62. Sedge, Scirpus Lacustris, Eleocharis


63. Wheat, Oat.

64. Table of Genera of Grasses.

65. Wheat, Barley, Oat, Rye, Rice, Poa

Annua, &c.

66. Male Shield-Fern, Polypody.

67. Field Horse Tail, Club Moss, Scla-


68. Hair Moss, Bog Moss, Iiypnum

Flagcllare, Bryum.

69. Lichens, Mushroom, Moulds, &c.

70. Sea-weeds.

31 Etchings of Objects in the South Kensington Museum. By Students of the Etching Class, Central Training Schools. (46 frames.)

Set I.(Eleven -Imperial Frames.)


35. Box with Cover, boxwood.

25. Panel, carved oak.

5. Casket, leather.

1. Coffer, walnut wood.

14. Casket, ebony,.

11. Coffer, steel.

29. Key for wheel-lock Rifle, steel.

28. Snuff Box, steel.

23. Knocker, wrought iron.

36. Bell, bronze.

24. Knife and Fork, steel.

30. Scissors, with sheath, steel.

6. Knife, steel.

12. Knife, steel.

8. Vase, crystal.

9. Cup and cover, silver-gilt.

22. Vase and cover, silver-gilt.

49. Watch and Stand crystal and gilt metal


32. Plaque, brass.

29. Bcwl, silver.

33. Inkstand, bronze.

18. Lock, chiselled iron.

31. Lamp, bronze.

44. Lamp, bronze.

21. Panel, carved wood.

3. Mirror, burnished metal.

48. Mirror, burnished metal.

13. Frame, carved oak.

41. Cross, silver, parcel-gilt.

45. Cross, wood with silver plates.

20. Plaque, enamel.

17. Triptych, silver-gilt with enamel plaques.

34. I,amp, bronze.

40. Vase and Cover, bronze.

10. Knocker, iron.

| No.

I 39. Sun Dial, bronze gilt.

| 15. Cup, nautilus shell 47. Cup, trochus shell.

I 38. Cup, cocoa-nut.

46. Cup, cocoa-nut.

| 37. Staff, ivory.

50. Pax, niello on silver.

4. Pastoral Staff, gilt and enamel.

16. Pastoral Staff, head of carved ivory.

42. Bottle, silver.

43. Dagger, steel.

19. Diptych, gilt bronze.

27. Knife, steel, engraved.

2. Sideboard, carved wood.

7. Cup, wood and silver-gilt.

Set II.(Twelve Imperial Frames.


35. Knocker, bronze.

2. Knocker, bronze.

47. Bracket, bronze.

44. Spout of a Fountain, bronze.

1. Reliquary, gilt, enamel, &c.

12. Cruet, crystal.

19. Reliquary, crystal or silver-gilt.

20. Medallion, boxwood, in silver case.

8. Snuffers, bronze.

36. Snuffers, brass.

10. Purse Frame, steel.

40. Fire-irons, with brass handles.

6. Pastoral Staff, ivory.

25. Diptych, ivory.

18. Trptych, ivory.

22. Knife, steel, with ivory handle.

23. Knife, steel, with ivory handle.

| No.

| 11. Pedestal, bronze.

: 50. Powder Flask, gilt metal.

48. Mount, gilt bronze.

[ 45. Bell, bronze.

30. Powder Flask, boxwood.

28. Knife Case, carved wood.

24. Casket, carved wood.

4. Casket, carved bone.

32. Bellows, wood.

16. Bellows, chestnut wood.

39. Tazza, silver parcel gilt.

17. Reliquary, gilt copper.

7. Goblet, agate, and silver-gilt.

5. Cruet, silver parcel gilt.

21. Crucifix, silver-gilt.

29. Crucifix, brass.

, 33. Pax, silver-gilt.


13. Dagger, steel.

15. Tea Caddy, silver.

43. Jug, Chinese porcelain.

3. Pedestal, bronze.

41. Casket, bronze-gilt.

9. Knocker, bronze.

14. Fountain Tet, bronze.

31. Stopper of a Flask, bronze. 49. Dagger, gilt bronze hilt.

34. Dagger, steel.

46. Purse Frame, steel,

38. Purse Frame, iron.

26. Figure, bronze.

42. Statuette, bronze.

27. Salt Cellar, bronze.

37. Bracket Branch, bronze.