Group XXV.Fine Arts.

12 i

FILDES, S. L., The Studio, King Henrys Road, London.

20Fair, Quiet, and Sweet Rest. Lent by J. Lewis, Esq.

FRITH, W. P., R.A., 7, Pembridge Villas, Bayswater, London.

Elected Associate of the Royal Academy , London, 1845 ; elected fall member , 1853.

Hon . Member of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts , Vienna .

21 Ramsgate Sands .. .. .. .. L^cnt by Her Majesty the Queen.

Lord Foppington Relating His Adventures Lent by FI. A. Brassey, Esq., M.P.

FROST, W. E., R.A., 38, Fitzroy Square, London.

Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London , 1846; elected full member, 1871.

22 Una and the Wood Nymphs .. .. Lent by Her Majesty tiie Queen.

GRAHAM, P., 93, Ladbroke Road, Notting Hill, London.

23 A Spate in the Highlands .. Lent by W. Cunliffe Brooks, Esq., M.P.

GRANT, SIR FRANCIS, P.R.A., 27, Sussex Place, Regents Park, London.

Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1842 ; elected full member, 1851; elected President, 1866.

24 Ascot Meet .. .. .. .. Lent by the Countess of Chesterfield.

25 Portrait of Miss Grant.

GRAVES, HON. HENRY, 19, Albert Mansions, Victoria Street, London.

25 a Portrait of Mrs. Gerrard Leigh, of Luton Hoo.

25 £ Mrs. Amory (of Knighthayes Court) &'Child.

HALSWELLE, KEELEY, A.R.S.A., 39J, Old Bond Street, London.

26 Roba di Roma .. .. .. .. Lent by James Gibson-Craig, Esq.

HARVEY, SIR G., P.R.S.A., Edinburgh.

27 School Dismissing .. .. .. .. L.cnt by Drysdale Carstairs, Esq.

HODGSON, J. E., A.R.A., 5, Hill Road, Abbey Road, London.

Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1873.

28 The Snake Charmer .. .. .. .. I^ent by G. C. Schwabe, Esq.


29 Venice .. .. .. .. .. .. .. L.ent by A. J. Lewis, Esq.

HOOK, J. C., R.A., Silverbeck, Churt, Famham.

Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1850; elected full member, i860.

Silver and Gold Medallist.

30 The Shipboys Letter .. .. .. .. Lent by C. P. Matthew's, Esq.

31 Hoisting Sail .. .. .. .. .. Lent by C. P. Matthews, Esq.

HORSLEY, J. C., R.A., 1, High Row, Kensington, London.

Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1855; elected full member, 1S64.

Silver Medallist.

32 Bankers Private RoomN egotiating a Loan .. .. Lent by G. Fox, Esq .

33 Checkmate next Move .. .. . Lent by T. Jessop, Esq.

33 <r In vtth you, In wtth you .. .. .. .. Lent by J. Lewis, Esq.

HULME, F. W., 8, St. Albans Road, Kensington, London.

34 Pont-y-Pair, Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales.