Catalogue of the British Section.


tooth powder. 485, Rabbits Down, for stuf­fing beds, sold at 4d. per lb. 486, Egg Albumen. 487 to 492, Utilisation of Rags of mixed animal and woolly fibres under Mr. F. O. Wards chemical process. 493 to 508, Illustrations of Alum Manufacture, contributed by Mr. P. Spence, Manchester,

1, Raw Shale of the coal measures ; 2, Shale calcined ready for digestion in sulphuric acid; 3, Pyrites as used in patent calciner for sulphuric acid making ; 4, Gasworks Sulphuretted Oxide as used in patent kilns for sulphuric acid making; 5, Pyrites after its sul­phur has been burnt out; 6, Gasworks Oxide after its sulphur has been burnt out; 7, Ni­trate of Sodaas used in sulphuric acid making;

8, Sulphuric Acid (specific gravity 1.60), equal 120 degs., as used for alum making;

9, Refuse Ammoniacal Liquor of the Gas­works, as used for alum making : 10, First Crystals in their mother liquor; 11, First Crystals washed; 12, Lump Alum finally crystallised ; 13, Mother Liquor of the final crystallisation; 14, Ground Alum; 15, Phos­phate of Alumina from the West Indies; 16, Crystal of Alum. 509 to 512, Recovery of Photographers waste; from Mr. J. Solomon, Red Lion Square, London :1, Waste Cut­tings from paper impregnated with silver;

2, Burnt Paper Dust; 3, Waste Developing Water acted on by copper; 4, Nitrate of Silver as recovered. 513 to 516, Specimens and uses of Asphalte. 517 to 522, Auriferous .and Titanic iron sands, useful for moulding purposes and smelting. 528, 529, Residues from Gas Making, coke, breeze, ashes, coal

dust and coal tar, coal pitch, ammoniacal liquor. 530, 531, New uses for Asbestos, Asbestos Painting Company, Glasgow. 537 to 540, Illustrations of Aniline Dyes. 34 samples of Dyes from Messrs. Brooks, Simpson, & Spiller, London ; Arsenic and Picric Acid from Messrs F. C. Calvert and Co. Manchester. 541 to 552, Various waste Substances utilised; Mosaic Pavements made by Female Convicts: Powered Mica or Talc ; Fishery Salt; Old iron Horseshoes and Nails for remelting; Plumbago Chips ; Crude Ozokerit or Mineral Resin, Soot, Spanish Pyrites for sulphuric acid, and the residue for copper smelting, Antimony Slag for paving. 553 to 575, Twenty-two specimens illustrating the Antracene and Alizarine colours series, contributed by Messrs. Domeier & Co., 47, Basinghall Street, London. These samples represent

1, Antracene, in its various stages of purity;

2, Antrachinon, into which the Antracene is converted for the manufacture of Alizarine ;

3, Alizarine paste, containing 10 per cent,

of pure Alizarine : 4, Fabrics printed with Alizarine colours; 5, Turkey red yarn printed with Alizarine; 6, blue yarn printed with Antracene blue, recently discovered by Dr. Springmiihl. 580, Mr. Simmonds book on Waste Substances and Undeveloped Pro­ducts, various pamphlets and circulars on the Manufacturing Processes for the Utili­sation of Waste by Mr. L. Mond, Messrs. Domeier and Co., Mr. J. Solomon, Mr. Fen­ton, Mr. H. J. Salmon. (74 2 )

(See also Group XXVI.)

Books Lent to the Royal Commission by Messrs. Blackwood & Sons,


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