The British Section at the Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873. [Fine art galleries, industrial, agricultural and machinery halls, and park.] ; official catalogue, with plans and illustrations
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Catalogue of the British Section.




MADRAS COMMITTEE. - Samples of Coffee from Coorg and Salem. (732736, 739)

McIVOR, W. G., Superintendent of Govem- ment Cinchona Plantations , Neilgherry Hills . Specimens of Cinchona Barks. (6ca 6 og)

BIDIE, G., M.B., Madras Army . Various Grains, Pulses, Oil-seeds, substances used for making drinks, or smoking, Dried Fruits, &c., from Madras.


MYSORE COFFEE COMPANY.-Samples of Coffee. (737)

CULLALY ESTATE, Mysore .Samples of Coffee. (738)

CURZON ESTATE, Kotergherry , Neilgher- ries .Samples of Tea. (77^>779)

HAVELOCK, C., Tliia Shola Estate , Oota - camitnd .Samples of Tea. (781a, 781 bj

BRACE, E. G., Kotergherry. Samples of Tea. (781c)

FINDLAY, J. G., Kotergherry .Samples of Tea. ( 7 8irf)

STANES, T., Coonoor .Samples of Tea.

( 7 8 ie)

ROHDE, Balmadie's Estate , Ooiacamund . Samples of Tea. (781/)

BOMBAY COMMITTEE.Spices, Condi­ments, and Dried Fruits, from Nassik, Kutch, and Surat. (1 23, 112)

BOMBAY COMMITTEE.Various Pubes, Cereals, Spices, Dried Fruits, &c., from Kattyawar, Aden, Boroda, Ahmedabad, Sahara, Dharsvar, Surat, Ahmednuggur, Nassick, Belgaum, Tannah, Kolka- poor, Kutch, and Bhownuggur. (22337, 391422)

FRET WELL, V., Khandeish .Various Seeds, Cereals, Pulses, &c. (r21, 338390)

BENGAL COMMITTEE. Collection of Cereals, Pulses, Spices, and Condiments from all parts of Bengal; samples of Tea and Coffee from Cachar, Darjeeling, Chittagong, and Sylhet. (1

348, 35 2369> 468488, 581604, 464466,


KANNY LOLL DEY, Dr., Rai Bahadur . A Collection of Indigenous Drugs of India, collected and classified by the Exhibitor; three copies of a work (by Exhibitor) giving full descriptions of the collection. (1259, 262)

KHETTER MOHUN BYSACK & SONS, Steam Oil Factory , Calcutta .Samples of Cocoa Nut and Castor Oils. (260, 261)

NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Samples of Rice grown in Alla­habad and Pelibheet. (68 73)

MAHARAJAH OF BENARES.39 bags of various kinds of Grains. (164)

COMMISSIONER OF KUMAON.Speci­mens of Hill Tea from the Kousanie and the Ivumaon and Kalyor Tea Companies. (46, 47)

PUNJAB COMMITTEE. Collections of Cereals, Pulses, and Miscellaneous Seeds, from the districts of Amritsar, Kangra, and Kashmere.

(35-90, 94 12 5^)

PUNJAB COMMITTEE.Specimens of Tea from the Kangra District. (91, 92)

LEITNER, Dr., Punjab . Specimen of Lasa Brick Tea. (93)

AMRITSAR LOCAL COMMITTEE. Collection of 356 substances used in Physic. (126)

OUDE LOCAL COMxMITTEE. Various Pulses, Cereals, Oil-seeds, &c. (224-293, 310318)

CENTRAL PROVINCES COMMITTEE. Various Cereals, Pulses, Oil-seeds, and Roots.

(168, 75-84)



INDORE LOCAL COMMITTEECereals, Pulses, Spices, Condiments, &c.

(4-27, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 394 1 )

GOVERNMENT OF BOMBAY.Cereals, Pulses, Spices, Seeds, and Roots, from Sind. (155)

BERAR LOCAL COMMITTEE.Cereals, Pulses, Spices, Condiments, &c. (1- 30, 35, 36)

C. R. MARKHAM, C.B., London. Speci­mens of Cinchona Barks from trees grown on the Neilgherries.

CAPTAIN R. N. TAYLOR, London. Samples of Cardamons and Coffee grown in Coorg.


H.H. THE FIRST PRINCE OF TRAVAN- CORE.Fibres with Coloured Drawings of Plants from which they are obtained. (162168)

LONGLEY, C. T., Salem .Various Fibres.


McIVOR, W. G.Neilgherry Nettle Fibre, from Neilgherry Hills. ( 1 73)

BOMBAY COMMITTEE.Flax and Aloe- Fibre from Kattyawar and Dharwar. (20, 22)