
Catalogue of the British Section.



MADRAS COMMITTEE.Turban Cloths, Saris, Shawls, and Cholis from Madras, Madura, and Trichinopoly. (815823/;;)

BOMBAY COMMITTEE. Kuthce, Blan­kets, (Dhablees), from Kutch, Surat Jail, and Aden, and Hairstring, from Aden. (110)

NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Blankets, Cloth, Chintz, See., and specimens of Wool from Mozuffemuggur and Jaloun.

(193- 1 94a, 148149*)

PUNJAB COMMITTEE.Dressing Gowns ami Rampur Chaddars, from the Peshawar and Ludhyana Districts ; Cashmere Shawls, a rare Table­cloth and Samples of Pashm and Woollen Thread, from Kashmere ; Cotton and Woollen Cloth from the Ludhyana District, and Woollen Carpets from Multan.


AMRITSAR LOCAL COMMITTEE. Samples of Pashm and Woollen Thread (of Kabul, &c.) (317-324)

DEVISAHAI AND CHAM BA MAL, Am­ritsar.Rampur Chaddars, Shawls, &c. (226299)

AHMAD SHAH and AHSAX SHAH, Ludhyana.Cashmere Shawls. (300, 301)

KADIR BAKSH and HAMZA, Sabathu. Rampur Chaddars. (221223)

LAHORE JAIL.Hearth-rug. (314)

BANGALORE CENTRAL JAIL.Mysore Wools and Carpets. (121127)

INDORE LOCAL COMMITTEEBlankets and a Caqiet. (5557)

INDIA MUSEUM, Zo/ufo/i.Woollen Fabrics from Bombay Presidency, Punjab, and North-West Provinces (from the London Exhibition of 1871). Carpets from Bombay, &c. (from London Exhibition of 1872).

VINCENT ROBINSON, Sc CO., London ; WATSON, BOXTER Sc CO. London ; GRE­GORY Sc CO., London ; LAPWORTH BRO­THERS, Londoji .Carpets and Rugs from various parts of India.

FARMER Sc ROGERS, London. Indian Carpets, Rugs, Shawls, Bornouses, See.


MADRAS COMMITTEE. Head Cloth, Saris, Dhotis, Packadis, &c., and Arnee Muslin from Coimbatore, Amee, and Madura. (824826^)

BOMBAY COMMITTEE.Wrappers, Sa- rees, Turbans, Belts, .Chiddrep, and various other articles of clothing, and materials for making the same, from Aden, Kattyawar, Broach, Surat, Dhar- war, and Baroda. (167, 80, 119, 126148)

SURAT SUB-COMMITTEE. Sarees and other garments, Materials for making the same, Sheets, Towels, &c. (81118, 120)

H.H. MEER ALI MOORAD KHAN, Khyrpoor.Wrappers ( Khcss andSoosees) and Materials for making the same.

(6870, 121125, 149, 151, 152)

H.H. THE RAO OF KUTCILVarious Cotton Fabrics. (7179)

SURAT JAIL.Towels. (150)

BENGAL COMMITTEE.Various Cotton Garments (Saris, Petticoats, &c.), Articles of Bed- Furniture, &c., See ., from Cachar, the Bardwan District and other parts of Bengal. (143)

NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Saree, Pugree, and Counterpane from Jaloun. (150152^)

PUNJAB COMMITTEE. Specimens of Cotton Cloth and tm Gambrion, from Ludhyana District. (334~34 2 )

RAHIM, Jalandhar.Pieces of Cotton Fabric Ghati. (343)

OUDE LOCAL COMMITTEE.Nynsook Chintz, and other fabrics, Counterpane, See.


BANGALORE CENTRAL JAIL.Saris, Turban-cloths, Tent-cloth. (128 131)

INDORE LOCAL COMMITTEE.Sarees, Dhotis, Turban, Cotton Fabrics, See. (6065)

BHOPAWUR PUL AGENCY. Various Cotton Cloths, used in native dress. (3945)

INDIA MUSEUM, London. Chintz, Prayer- Rugs and various Chintzes and Cotton Fabrics ; Cotton Goods from the London Exhibition of 1872, as Sarees, Dhotis, Chaddars, Cotton Cloths, Towels, Table Covers, Turbans, &c., from Bengal.

COLLECTOR OF BENARES. Cotton Manufactures from Benares and Burdwan (from the London Exhibition of 1872).

FARMER Sc ROGERS, London.Indian Cotton Rugs.


MADRAS COMMITTEE.Kimidy Basket- work from Ganjam. (850863)