British Colonies.


Annual Production of Butter and Cheese.The annual production of butter in the Colony, according to the Returns of February, 1871, was 5,199,072 lbs., against 3>834> 2 5 2 lbs., in 1867 ; and of cheese, 2,547,507 lbs., against 1,300,082 lbs. in 1867.

Live Stock.The aggregate number of live stock of all kinds (excepting poultry) in 1871, was 10,382,540, against 8,924,520 in 1867. Taking the principal kinds of live stock separately, the numbers werehorses, 81,078 in 1871, against 65,615 in 1867; cattle, 436,592 in 1871, against 312,835 in 1867; sheep, 9,700,629 in 1871, against 8,418,579 in 1867; and pigs, 151,460 in 1871, against 115,104 in 1867.

Immigration and Emigration.The immigration (over seas) to New Zealand in 1870, amounted to 9,124 persons, of whom 6,178 were males, and 2,946 -were females. Of the males 5,508 were adults, and 670 children ; of the females 2,400 were adults, and 546 children. The following figures show the immigration in 1870, classified according to the countries from which the immigrants arrived :United Kingdom, 2,266 males, 1,749 females; total, 4,015. Australian Colonies, 3,517 males, 1,126 females; total, 4,643. Other British Ports, 9 males, 1 female; total 10. Foreign States, 386 males, 70 females ; total, 456.

* Trade and Interchange.Shipping.The numbers and tonnage of vessels entered inwards and cleared outwards at the several ports of New Zealand during the year 1870 were as follows:The total inwards was 756 vessels, of 273,151 tonnage. The total outwards was 766 vessels, of 265,407 tonnage. Of the total of 756 vessels inwards, 76, of 56,874 tonnage, arrived from the United Kingdom; 556, of 184,904 tonnage, from the Australian Colonies and other British possessions; and 124, of 31,373 tonnage, from foreign countries (including the southern v-hale fisheries). Of the total of 766 vessels outwards, 58, of 43,532 tonnage, cleared for the United Kingdom ; 548, of 182,876 tonnage, for the Australian Colonies and other British possessions; and 160, of 38,999 tonnage, for foreign countries (including the southern whale fisheries). Of the 756 vessels inwards, 145, of 85,643 tonnage, were British; 553, of 167,869 tonnage, colonial; 45, of 15,361 tonnage, American ; 4, of 569 tonnage, German ; 3, of 427 tonnage, French; 2, of 1,025 tonnage, Norwegian; 1, of 1,000 tonnage, Russian; 1, of 536 tonnage, Swedish ; 1, of 385 tonnage, Hawaiian ; and 1, of 336 tonnage, Batch. Of the 766 vessels outwards, 133, of 78,197 tonnage were British; 574, of 166,812 tonnage, colonial; 44, of 15,115 tonnage, American ; 5, of 2,228 tonnage, Norwegian; 3, of 568 tonnage, German ; 3, of 427 tonnage, French; 2, of 673 tonnage, Dutch ; 1, of 1,000 tonnage, Russian ; and 1, of 387 tonnage, Hawaiian.

Imports and Exports.The total value of the imports of the colony in 1870 was 4,639,015/. against 4,976,126 in 1869, being a decrease of 337,111/. or 6*77 per cent, A comparison of the total value of imports in 1869 and 1870, according to the countries whence they w r ere received, gives the following results:

United Kingdom .. ^"2,458,579 .. ^2,685,736 .. increase ^"227,157

British Colonies .. 2,280,135 .. 1,759,872 .. decrease 520,263

Foreign States .. .. 237,412 .. 193,407 .. ,, 44,005

Totals .. .. 4,976,126 .. 4,639,015 .. decrease 337,111

. The total value of the exports from New Zealand in 1870 was 4,822,756/., against 4,224,860/. in 1869, being an increase in 1870 of 597,896/., or 1415 per cent. Excluding the value of imported goods re-exported from the colony, the total value of exports of New Zealand produce and manufactures in 1870 amounted to 4,544,682/., against 4,090,134/. in 1869, being an increase of 454,548/., or im per cent. The two very important exportsgold and wooldemand more particular notice here. The total value of the gold exported from New Zealand in 1870 was 2,157,585/., produced by the several gold-fields to the following amounts, viz., Auckland, 319,146/.; Marlborough, 7,408/.; Wellington, 120/.; Nelson, 591,510/.; County of Westland, 578,707/.; Otago, including Southland, 660,694/. The total value of gold exported in 1869 was 2,362,995/.