Catalogue of the British Section.

The principal articles of export are Sugar, Rum, Coffee, Pimento, Ginger, Arrowroot, Logwood, Fustic, Ebony, Brazalitto, Lignum-vitae, Satin Wood, Bitter Wood, and Cocoa- nuts. Cotton and Indigo were at one time considerable articles of export, but they have long since ceased to be cultivated.

The island abounds with every variety of Tropical Fruits, which are produced in the greatest profusion and without cultivation. Oranges, Bannanas, Pines, &c., find a ready and profitable market in the United States.

The population of the Island, 506,154, as follow:

Males. White 6,909 Coloured 48,048 Black 191,498

according to the Census, taken 5th June, 1871, was






13,101 100,346 392,-oi

Total .. .. 506,154

The production of Tobacco in quantity and of a quality suitable for export, is a comparatively new industry in Jamaica. The plantations of Messrs. Soutar & Co., whose cigars are exhibited, are within 15 miles of Kingston, and were established four years ago upon soil similar by analysis, and in a climate corresponding with that of the famed Vuethaboys district, Havanna. Their seed was also received from, and is of the des­cription grown in the Vuethaboys. Their manufactory is in Kingston, the capital of the Island, where they give constant employment to about 100 hands in the preparation of the tobacco and manufacture of cigars and cigarettes. The cost of freight from Jamaica to the primupal ports in Great Britain is about 3s. per thousand, and to the Continent from 3s. to 3s. 6d.

Cigars exhibited by Messrs. Soutar for submission to jury:Imperiales, Regalia Britannica, Regalia del Rey, Napoleones Elegantes, Brevas, Londres, Galanes.

B A H A M A S,

A group of twenty inhabited islands, and an immense number of islets and rocks, lying between 2 i° 42' and 27 0 34 y North latitude, and 72 0 40' and 79 0 5' West longitude, which were finally annexed to Great Britain in 1788. The capital of the colony is Nassau, in New Providence. The revenue is about ^ 41,000 a year. The population, 39,162. The annual value of exports is about ^150,000 per annum. The principal island, New Providence, was originally settled by the English in 1629, and held till 1641, when it was seized by the Spaniards. It was again colonized by England in 1667, but afterwards fell into the hands of the Spaniards and French. In 1781 the Bahama Islands were surrendered to the Spaniards, but, at the conclusion of the war, they were confirmed to Great Britain by the Peace of Versailles, 1783.

Exhibited .Ornaments from the Seed of the Mimosa and Sea-side Oat; Shell Work and Fish Scale Ornaments; Back of Hawksbill Turtle and Conch Shells; Fibres of Plantain, Banana, Pineapple, &c., indigenous to the Bahamas; Fans, Rope, &c., made from the Palmetto Leaf; Sponge ; Native Woods and Bark ; Wings of the Flamingo.