The British Section at the Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873. [Fine art galleries, industrial, agricultural and machinery halls, and park.] ; official catalogue, with plans and illustrations
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Catalogue of the British Section.Appendix.


1776-International Exhibition-1876







The Congress of the United States of America having enacted that an International Exhibition should be held in the City of Philadelphia, in 1876, public attention is now invited to the proposed programme.

This Exhibition is to be international and universalinternational, inasmuch as all nations will be invited to participate in it; and universal, because it will include a representation of all natural and artificial products, all arts, industries, and manufactures, and all the varied results of human skill, thought, and imagination.

The outlines of a simple yet comprehensive classification have been adopted. There will be ten departments, each subdivided into ten groups, and these again into classes. The details of this classification are now being elaborated, and will be published in due season, together with such rules and regulations as may be found necessary for the proper conduct and management of the Exhibition.

It is intended that ample space shall be assigned to each state, territory, and foreign country, for a just and proper display of its products. It is believed that not less than fifty square acres of floor space, under roof, will be required for this purpose. A site combining the advantages of a sufficient extent of level ground, with picturesque and cultivated surroundings, easy of access by rail, by water, and by ordinary roads, has been assigned for the buildings in the grounds of Fairmount Park, in the City of Philadelphia.

The Exhibition is to be opened on Wednesday, April 19th, 1876, with appropriate ceremonies, in which the President of the United States, the Members of the Cabinet, Governors of States, Senators, &c., together with Representatives of all Foreign Nations, will participate.

A cordial invitation is extended to ever} nation of the earth, to contribute illustrations of its arts, industries, progress, and developments.

Hon. Daniel J. Morrell, Hon. JOSEPH R. HAWLEY,

Chairmati of Excc. Com. President.

Hon. Lewis Waln Smith,


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