Catalogue of the British Section.Appendix.


JOHN J. DERHAM, Engineer,

Blackburn, Lancashire, England.

Horizontal Engines may be seen working in tiie Machinery Hall,

British Section.

STEAM ENGINES of all sizes and every description for driving Cotton, Jute, Flax, Woollen, Com, and other Mills ; Compound Beam and Horizontal Expansion Condensing and Non-condensing Engines ; Vertical High-pressure Engines for working Mechanics Shop, with double-acting Pumps attached for fire extinguishing; Semi-portable Engines and Boilers, both horizontal and vertical ; Pumping and Winding Engines for Mines, Water Works, Distilleries, See.; Steam Donkey Pumps for feeding Boilers ; Steam and Hand-power Crab Winches, Cranes, and Hoisting Machinery. Valves and Fittings of all descriptions, all of the best construction, finish, and workmanship.

CUT-OFF VALVES and Motion applied to Engines for maintaining a uniform speed of Engine under the most extreme variations of load, dispensing with Throttle Valve, and ensuring the full Boiler Pressure of Steam on Piston at the beginning of each stroke.

IMPROVED ELASTIC METALLIC PISTONS AND AIR-PUMP BUCKETS. Cylinders, Air Pumps, and Crank Eyes rebored in their places by practical and experienced workmen.

GEARING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; Mills completely geared up; Wrought and Cast- Iron Beams, Pillars, Gutters, and Doors for Fire-proof Buildings, &c., &c., &c.

ENGINES COMPOUNDED for economic and steady working, which principle maybe advan­tageously applied to all existing single Cylinder Beam and Horizontal Engines.

STEAM BOILERS ", Cornwall, Multitubular and Vertical, of best approved make and construction, Seamless Furnaces, and fitted with Conical Water Tubes, See.

JOHN J. DERHAM begs to intimate that he has during the last fifteen years supplied Compound Steam Engines, Boilers, and Gearing to many of the large Cotton, Jute, Flax, and other Mills in Austria and other countries. Testimonials and References given upon application.

Sole Manufacturer of SCHOLLS Patent Atmospheric Power Hammer for Eastern Europe.

Sole Agents for the sale of Agricultural Implement Machinery, as Manufactured by WILLIAM FOSTER & CO., Engineers, Lincoln, for Austria, Bavaria, and Saxony.


AO. 443, Croup XIII.

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