Catalogue of the British Section.Appendix.





Thomas Bradford & Co..

Washing Machinists and Laundry Engineers,

63, Fleet Street, ) LONDON Cathedral Steps , Manchester.

142, High HOLBORN, J ^ * Windsor Bridge , SALFORD.

Plans and Estimates for Private or Public Laundries, with reference to such in successful operation in all parts o the world, upon application. [No. 472, Group XIII.



Every variety of Machinery used in the process of Bleaching, Calico Printing, Dyeing and Finishing, comprising Improved Singe Stove, Patent High Pressure Kiers, Improved Washing Machine, Squeezers, Double-cased Copper-colour Pans, with Gearing to work the Stirrers, Printing Machines, from one to twenty colours, Dye Becks, Starch Mangle, Chloring Machine, Indigo Grinding Mill, Logwood Mill, Madder Mill, with Revolving Pan, Measuring, Lapping, Folding, Doubling, or Rolling Machine, Calender, Drying Machine, with Patent Cylinders in Tinned Iron or Copper, Damping Machine. Belt Stretching Machine, Steam Engines, Horizontal and Vertical, Winding Engines for Colliery purposes, Single and Double Acting Pumps, Force Pumps, Deep Lift Pumps, Patent Coal Cutting Machines and Air Compressors for driving them. Patent Water Meter, Improved Steam, Water, and Gas Valves.


Earth Boring Machine for Artesian Well, Mineral Exploration, &c., Improved Pumps, for pumping out of deep borings, Shearing or Cropping Machine, Clamp Stretching Machine, Gas Apparatus for Heating Calender Bowls, Improved Copper Lined Dye Beck, Warp Sizing Machine or Slasher, with Hot Air Drying Apparatus, Warp Beaming Machine, Piston and Air Pump Bucket, Elastic Metallic Packing, of which upwards of 7,000 are in use, Steam Drying Cylinders.


C. De bergue & CO., Engineers and Contractors,


Paris, 1867. Paris, 1867.

Manufacturers of

Iron Bridges, Girders, Roofing, Punching and Shearing Machines (Horizontal and Vertical), Plate Mill Shears, Girder Rivetting Machines, Rivet Making Machines, Rivet Dressing Machines, Rail Straightening and Punch­ing Machines, Bending, Curving, and Blocking Machines, Cast Iron Patent Permanent Way, Rail Levellers.

Silver Medal,

Silver Medal,

Strangeways Iron Works, MANCHESTER.

Wauntreoda Works, CARDIFF. Tay Bridge Works, NEWPORT, DUNDEE.

No. 470, British Section, Machinery Hall, where the principal Machines can be seen in motion, and Illustrated Catalogues


Ingenieure und Bauunternehmer,


Eiserncr Briicken, Bruckentriiger, Eiserner Dachstuhle, Me- chanischer Blcchscheer- und Blechlochmaschinen, horizontal und vertical; Blechscheeren fiir Walzwerkc, Nietmaschinen, und Maschinen zur Fabrikation von Nieten und Bearbeitung deren Kdpfe; zum Richten und Lochen der Schienen, sowie 2um Biegen und Pressen. Patentirte Schienenhebel. Guss- eiserner patentirtcr Oberbau.

Strangeways Iron Works, MANCHESTER.

Wauntreoda Works, CARDIFF.

Tay Bridge Works, NEWPORT, DUNDEE.

No. 470 der Britischen Abiheilung, in der Maschinen - Halle, woselbst man die haupts'dchlichen Maschinen in Jdewegung sehtn, und illustrirte Kataloge erhalten kann

Ingenieurs Meeanieiens,

Pabricants de

Ponts cn fer, poutres et combles cn fer, de machines ;i poin9on- ner, de cisailles pour barres et tolcs, horizontalcs et verticales, Cisailles pour laminoir, Machines a river, Machines pour fairc des rivets, Machines pour ebarber les tetes des rivets, Machines our redresser et pointjonner les rails, Machine iX cintrer et loquer; Traverses pour chemins de fer en fonte brdvctde, Niveleurs brevet£s pourvoies ferrees.

Strangeways Iron Works, MANCHESTER.

Wauntreoda Works, CARDIFF.

Tay Bridge Works, NEWPORT, DUNDEE.

No. 470, Section Britannigue, Galerie des Machines on on pent voir fonctionner les principales machines et recevoir des catalogues illust res.