Catalogue of the British Section.

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EDGINGTON, John, & COMPANY, 48, Long Lane, Smitlifield, London .Improved Marquee Hospital, 40 feet by 20, of Double White Canvas; Improved Campaigning Tents, 10 feet by 7, of White Canvas; Patent Lawn Tent, of Striped Material, requiring no Lines, Ropes, or Separate Poles.

ELKIXGTON & COMPANY, Newhall Street, Birmingham.K Kettle Drum Silver Gilt Tea Service, consisting of Coffee and Tea Pot, Sugar Basin, Cream Ewer, Silver Waiters, Tea Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Tea Cups and Saucers. A Luncheon Tray with Decanters, Biscuit Box and Wine Glasses, Soda Water Stand, Decanter and Glasses. A Bronze Statuette of Her Majesty the Queen; Bronze Statuettes of Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. Four 7-light Candelabra ; two 2-light branches ; twelve gilt candlesticks.

FEETHAM, M., Sc COMPANY, 9, Clifford Street, Bond Street, London, TV .Bright Ventilating Waim- air Grate for Fire-place in H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Room ; Bright Ventilating Warm-air Grate, combined with a Mantel-} Lee, for Fire-place in the Exhibitors Club Room ; two Feethams Circular Camp Cooking Stoves for Kitchens in Workmens Dwellings; Grill Stove for Cooking Chops and Steaks.

FIELD, J. C. Sc J., Upper Marsh, Lambeth, London .Candles and Soap.

FOX, J. Caven, Royal Horticultural Gardens, South Kensington, London .Rustic Summer House.

GALLOWAY, W. Sc J., Sc SONS, Knott Mill Iren Works, Manchester .Pair of Compound High and Low Pressure Engines to indicate 100 horse-pow r er, designed specially to secure economy in fuel and simplicity of construction. The whole of the Engines self-contained, and the Governor, by being placed in direct communication with the Slide Valve for the admission of steam into the high-pressure Cylinder, does away with the necessity of a Throttle Valve, and thus gets the full pressure of steam effectually upon the Piston. The Exhaust Valves for both high and low r -pressure Cylinders are w orked off separate eccentiics, and the Air Pump is placed horizontally in rear of the Engine, and is of simple construction, so as to enable the Engine to be run at veiy high rates of speed if required. Two Patent Gallow ay Boilers, each of 50 horse-power, and each capable of giving off sufficient steam to diive about 200 indicated horse-pow er, suitable for an ordinary working pressure of 5 atmospheres. The especial feature of these Boilers consists of the Galloway Tubes, which are largely introduced into the flues, the Boiler being foimed in the fiont similar to a plain tw r o-flued Boiler, but immediately in rear of the fn e-bars, these two furnaces uniting into an oval back flue, in wdiich are placed 24 Gallow ay Tubes and 4 Side Pockets. These Tubes cause a rapid circulation of water, and prevent, in a great measure, the w ear and tear w hich always takes place in a tw T o-flued Boiler where there is so great a difference in temperature in the water above and below the flues. This form of Boiler is being rapidly introduced into England, about 4000 of them being now working. The Galloway Tubes are also largely applied to the ordinary Cornish and twO-flued Boilers, as they have the advantage of strengthening the flues, improving the circulation, and increasing the powder of the Boiler. These Boilers have been found, from careful expeiimcnt, to evaporate upwards of 10 lbs. of water per lb. of coal, the w r ater having been let in at Co degrees temperature.

HEMBRY, B., & COMPANY, 91, Newgate Street, London .Linoleum Floor Cloth and Cement.

HEMMING, S. C., Sc COMPANY, 25, Moorgate Street, London .Iron Buildings, namely, two Work­mens Houses; Royal Commission Pavilion, and Offices of Biitish Commission ; and a Club Room.

HILL & SMITH, Brierley Hill Iron Works, Brierley Hill, Staffordshire .Ornamental Iron Railings and Gates for one of the Open Courts, and Wire Fencing for Workmens Houses.

HOBBS, HART Sc COMPANY, 76, Cheapside, London.Fire-proof Safes.

HOWARD, J. Sc F., Britan 7 iia Works, Bedfoi'd .Safety Steam Boiler of 30 horse-pow r er.

HUDSPITH, William, South Tyne Works, Haltwhistle, Northu?nberland.Tazzi, for Arboretums ; Fern and Floral Arboretums ; and Garden Border Tiles.

JACKSON & GRAHAM, 29, 33, 34, 35, 37, and 38, Oxford Street, London, W .Furniture in the Royal Commissioners Pavilion.Three Pile Carpets and Borders, designed by Mr. Ow r en Jones, architect. Three Pile Carpets and Borders, designed by Mr. C. Berger. Three fine Patent Axminster Carpets, designed by Mr. Ow r en Jones. Three fine Patent Axminster Carpets, designed by Mr. Ow T en Jones. Ebony Cabinet, inlaid w T ith box, purple, orange w r ood, &c.; Wardrobe of Tuya Wood, inlaid with lemon, purple, and black ; 5 feet 6 inches Brass Bedstead, designed by Mr. Owen Jones. Ebony Cabinet, inlaid wdth ivory, and engraved ; Cabinet of Tuya Wood, inlaid with ivory, box and other w r oods, and engraved; Vi trine of Figured Ebony, inlaid; Oval Amboyna Table, inlaid and engraved; Figured Ebony Writing Table, inlaid; Amboyna Cabinet, inlaid and mounted with marble ; Amboyna Cabinet, inlaid and engraved ; Sideboard of Olive, w T alnut, and black, inlaid with red w r ood, designed by Mr. A. Losmier. Ebony and Ivory Secretaire ; Cabinet, w r ith plaques of porcelain; Olive Wood Cabinet, inlaid; Olive Wood Table, inlaid, designed by Mr. E. Prignot. Hall Chairs of Walnut, inlaid with ebony; Satin Wood Table, inlaid; Octagon Table of Figured Ebony, inlaid ; Table Cabinet of Figured Ebony, inlaid ; Oblong Amboyna Table, inlaid; Octagon Amboyna Table, inlaid; Small Brass Bedstead Suite of Bedroom Furniture, oak inlaid, designed by Mr. C. Berger.