Objects Lent to British Commission.


JACOBY, Moritz, & COMPANY, Stoney Street, Nottingham .Muslin Curtains for Decoration of British Section.

JENNINGS, G., & COMPANY, Lambeth , London .Sanitary Arrangements, Lavatories, &c., for Offices and Workmens Houses.

KENT, G., 199, 200, 201, High Holborn, London .Rotary Knife Cleaners, Ventilated Refrigerators, Bread Slicing Machines, Egg Beaters, Cinder Sifting Machines, and various other domestic labour-saving appliances for the Workmens Houses.

KENT, G. B., & COMPANY, 11, Great Marlborough Street , London .Brushes and Combs.

LAWRENCE, W., Sc COMPANY, 14, St. Mary Axe, London,.Refrigerators, Water Purifiers, See.

LEWIS, John, India Buildings , Halifax .Paintings in H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Room. Royal Wilton Carpet of special design, in the same room and offices adjoining; Brussels Carpet of Oriental design, in the Exhibititors room and adjoining offices; Royal Wilton Carpet, conventional flowers, in Rotunda.

LLOYD, Edwin, Horticultural Works , Grantham.Conservatory of a new mode of construction recently patented by the Exhibitor. A wood sill forms the base of the building, and may be either secured by bolts and nuts to wood sleepers, or on a concrete bed in which the bolts are imbedded. The rafters are about six feet apart, and are constructed of two flitches of wrought iron, with a flitch of wood between, well bolted together, the iron on each side being slightly raised above the wood to form a channel for the water, there being no coping used to cover the meeting styles of the sashes. The rafters and mullions are formed in one piece, the ends of the mullions being flanged at the ends, and bolted to the sills, and the ends of the rafters secured in a similar manner, with this difference, that both ends of the rafters meet together at the apex of the roof, and are bolted together through the lidge. The ends are constructed of extra strength, so as to require no framework, and the whole of the building is strongly braced together by light round wrought-iron rods passed through the rafters and end framing, and through lengths of wrought-iron tubing fitted between the rafters; the rods have threads at one end, with washers and nuts, by which the whole building is strained tightly together, and rendered rigid by the iron tubing. The sashes are all grooved, and the glass fixed without putty in a manner recently patented by the manufacturer. A moveable wood slip is fixed on the bottom rail of each sash, by which the lower end of each square of glass is secured from slipping, and protected from breakage. The gutters are of cast iron, and secured by bolts and nuts to the gutter plate and upright mullions, the down pipes from the gutter forming a column at each corner of the building ; the ridge has ornamental cresting in cast-iron, and at each end is fixed an ornamental wrought-iron finial. The ends have a moulded coping and facia, and a projecting corbel at the eaves, concealing the end of the gutters. The building is so portable and simple in construction, that two men of ordinary capacity can fix and glaze it ready for use in a week.

MERRYWEATHER Sc SONS, 63, Long Acre , London.Steam and Manual Fire Engines, including such as are used by the London Fire-brigade, See.

MILNER, T., Sc SON, Phoenix Works, Liverpool.First Class Extra Strong Holdfast and Fire-resisting Safe,Milners Patent, with Drawers. Door inches thick, formed of 2 \ inch wrought iron plates with J inch hardened steel between them. Body of Safe constructed throughout of T inch and * inch wrought iron, with ^ inch of hardened steel between them, making 1 inch in thickness" bolted together with hardened steel bolts, and lined throughout with double, treble, or quadruple chambers, 3, <\\, or 6 inches in thickness.

MINTON, HOLLINS Sc COMPANY, Stoke-upon-Trent.Encaustic Paving Tiles for Verandah of Royal Commissioners House.

MINTONS, Stoke-upon-Trent.Jardinieres, Garden .Seats, &c.

PATENT IMPROVED FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPANY, 19, Hollorn, London. Smith and Langleys Patent Steam Sentinel.

PATENT GAS COMPANY (Limited), 25, Fenchurch Street , London.Complete Apparatus for Manfacturing Gas by Dr. Eveleighs Patent Process, which consists in distilling coal at a comparatively low temperature, by which a considerable quantity of gas of a superior quality is produced, and also a cer­tain proportion of rich oily matter. This oily matter is then distilled by a secondary process, and a further quantity of gas produced, which is afterwards mixed with that resulting from the first distillation. The practical advantages that are claimed for this over the ordinary process are the following:1st, A larger quantity of gas is obtained per ton of coal; 2nd. A much higher illuminating power is obtained without the use of Cannel; 3rd. Greater purity of gas; 4th. An increased quantity of coke of better quality; 5th. No tar is left as a residue, but instead a proportionate quantity of pitch.