Objects Lent to British Commission.


SIMON, MAY & COMPANY, Nottingham .Lace Curtains, in a variety of widths, styles, and designs.

SIMPSON, W. B., & SONS, 456, West Strand , London .Art Tile Chimney Piece for Her Majestys Commissioners Office ; the Chimney Piece is of American walnut wood and marble, with upper and lower shelves and clock bracket, projecting side shelves, supported by turned columns, a bevelled mirror above the lower shelf; the panels filled with art tiles, fable subjects, painted in deep blue relieved with yellow, the chimney linings of art tiles ; Encaustic Tile Hearth, arranged for open grate and marble fender. Designed and executed by W. B. Simpson & Sons.

SPICE, R. P., C.E., 21, Parlia??ient Sired , Westminster , London .Gas making Apparatus and Fittings.

SUTTON & SONS, Reading , Berkshire ( Quee?i , s Seedsmen ).Grass Seeds, for sowing the lawns and the greater part of the Prater. Flower Seeds and GladioliA choice assortment, specially prepared by Messrs. Sutton for planting round the Prince of Waless Pavilion. Vegetable SeedsA large assortment, especially prepared for sowing in the gardens adjoining the Workmens Houses, belonging to the Royal British Commission.

TALL & COMPANY (Limited), 8, T^awson Street , Great Dover Street , London .Labourers Cottage in concrete.

TANGYE, BROTHERS, & HOLMAN, 10, Laurence Rountney Lane, London .Hydraulic Lifting Jacks, Pulley Blocks, &c.

TEMPLETON, Jas., & COMPANY, Glasgow and London . Curtains for Decorations of Industrial Buildings.

TYLER, Hayward, & COMPANY, Upper Whitecross Street , London . Independent Steam Pumping Engine, consisting of a steam engine 5 inches in diametei, and double acting pump, the plunger of which is 3 inches in diameter. The motion is communicated from one to the other by a piston-rod, to one end of which is attached the steam piston, and to the other the pump plunger. It works independently of all other machinery, only requiring to be connected with the steam pipe to set it in motion. The Steam Engine is remarkable for its simplicity. The piston is long and hollow, containing a cylindrical slide valve, by which the distribution of tire steam to the two ends of the cylinder i-3 effected. The piston and slide valve are the only moving parts of the Engine. The piston passes at each end of its stroke over steam and exhaust ports in the sides of the cylinder by which the steam enters, and causes the slide valve to move into the position in which the steam supply and the exhaust of the piston are reversed. Both the main piston and the slide valve are thoroughly cushioned with steam at the end of of their travel, so that the machine works without the concussion of any parts, and the positions of the valve faces are so arranged that the longer the Engine works the more perfectly do they fit. The Engine has no dead points, for in whatever direction the piston may be moving, it is evident that it will continue to move until it has passed over the ports which reverse the slide valve. As soon as this is the case the motion of the piston is absolutely reversed, by which we mean that the slide valve cannot alter its position until the piston reaches the other end of the stroke. The pump is double-acting. The valves are so arranged that by undoing four bolts, and removing the air vessel, they are all exposed to view without interfering with any of the pipes. In the middle of the barrel of the pump is a gland entiiely separating the two ends of the barrel, and provided with arrangements for being easily tightened up when the end cover of the pump is removed. Through this gland works the plunger of the pump, each end of the plunger working in its own half of the barrel as a single acting plunger ; thus the pump consists of two single acting plunger pumps. The object of this arrangement in preference to the ordinary phton working in a bored barrel, is that the plunger is much less liable to be worn, through the presence of impurity in the water than the piston, and in case of its requiring to,be tightened, the gland can be readily tightened up by only removing the end cover of the pump. No parts are liable to wear but the plunger and gland, which can be removed without interfering with the body of the pump. These pumps are applied to many purposes, but for boiler feeding they possess important advantages. The motion being dependent solely on the action of the steam on the piston, they have no dead point, so that the Engine runs very slowly. The speed regulates itself according to the work it has to do. The Engine if slopped either by want of steam, or by the exit of water being closed, starts of itself as soon as the obstacle is removed. The pump may therefore be made self-acting, dependent on a float arrangement, and will keep the water to a uniform height in the boilers.

UNITE, John, 291, Edgware Road y London , W .Two best White Duck Marquees, 30 feet by 15 feet, waterproof, one used by Her Majesty's British Commissioners as a Workmens Refreshment Tent; Square Garden Tent, 8 feet by 8 feet, no centre-pole, and easily erected, thoroughly waterproof; Alpine Tent, 6 feet square, weight 2olb., very portable and waterproof; Emigrants Tent, 6 feet squ?re, water­proof; Military Camp Tent, 36 feet circumference, waterproof and durable.

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