Catalogue of the British Section.

WARNER, John, & SONS, 8, Crescent , Cripplegate , London . Three Garden Engines, with Lawn Spreaders ; Three Water Barrows, with Lawn Spreaders.

WINFIELD, R. W., & COMPANY, Cambridge Street IVorks and Rolling Mills , Birmingham . A Handsome Massive Egyptian Sphinx Chandelier, with Five Lights and Four Brackets to match, with richly Ornamented Glasses complete, for the apartments specially prepared for His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, K.G., President; Large Mediaeval Chandelier, with Nine Lights and Trefoil Burners projecting from each arm, for the Exhibitors Meeting Room ; Chandelier, with Five Lights, and Table Stand, for the Secretarys Office ; Two massive Billiard Pendants, with Six Lights each, for the Smoking Room ; Three Light Chandelier, for the Ante-Room ; Two large Two Light Pendants, for the Cleiks Offices; Hexagon Lamp, with Swing Bottom, for convenience of lighting, for the Entrance Hall; Lamp for the Vestibule, and Brackets for the Passages, &c., and sundry other Chandeliers and Biackets for the Artizans Dwelling Houses; Fourteen large Chandeliers in the Nave and Rotunda, consisting of five, six, seven, and eight Lights.

WOODBURY PERMANENT PRINTING PROCESS COMPANY, 9A, Hereford Square, Brompton. Frames of Permanent Photographs for decorating the British Workmens Houses.