Group IV.Substances of Food as Products of Industry.

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Substances of Food as Products of Industry.

Flour and other Farinaceous Products, Malt and its Products. Sugar and its Products Spirits and Spirituous Liquors, &c. Wines. Ale, Beer, Porter, See . Vinegars. Preserves and Extracts (Extracts of Meat, Portable Soup, Condensed Milk, Preserved Vegetables, Preserved Meat, &c.). Tobacco and similar Manufactures. Confectionery, Ginger-bread, Chocolate, Coffee Substitutes, &c. Processes and Inventions for Pre­paring all these Articles. Statistics of Production.

COLMAN, J. & J., 108, Cannon Street, London.Mustard ; Corn Flour made from Rice. (57)

(See a ho Group Ilf .)

BORWICK, G., & SONS, 24,

Chiswell Street, Lo?idon.Baking Powder, Custard Powder, Spices. (70)

(See also Group III ., and Appendix .)

KEILLER, James, & SON, Dun­dee.Confections, Preserves, Candied Peel, and Marmalade. (765 & 740*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions .)

McGREGOR, James, & SON. Dumfries. Confectionery and Preserves,


DUNVILLE & COMPANY, Royal Irish Distilleries, Belfast, Ireland; and Beau­fort Buildings, Strand, London. Matured Old Irish Whiskey. (71)

ROBUR DISTILLERY COM­PANY (Limited), Camden Town Station, London.Spirit called Robur, containing Alcohol, Tannin, Theine, tonic and flavour­ing principles, Sugar and Water; entirely free from fusil or essential oil or acidity; Robur liqueur, distilled and compounded in 1873. (72)

PARKINGTON, J. R., & COM­PANY, 24, Crutched Friars, London.Cham­pagne produced by Roper, Fr&res & Cie., Carte Blanche, at 26 frs. per dozen; 4t Lion dOr, at 35 frs. per dozen. James

Anderson & Co.s Champagne at 60 s., and extra quality ditto at 77s. per dozen. (17)

WYNDHAM, F., & COMPANY, 37, Eastcheap, London.Esprit des GEufs.

( 343 )

HENLEY & SON, Joiner Street, Southwark, London. Devonshire Cyder, Herefordshire Perry, and London Vinegar.

( 73 )

YOUNGER, Wm, & COMPANY, Edinburgh and Belvedere Road, London . India Pale Ale, strong Edinburgh Ale, and Extra Stout, in bottles. (74)

(See Appendix .)

BARNARD, W., Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire.Malt, Pale and Brown. (75)

ANGLO-BAVARIAN BREWERY COMPANY, Shepton-Mallet, Somersetshire .> Light family Ale, export Pale Ale, and strong Ale, in cask ; bottled Ale, for home con­sumption and exportation. (76)

NEVILE, REID & COMPANY, Brewery, Windsor.Ale and Stout. (767)

GARTON, RUSSELL & COM­PANY, Laurence Hill, Bristol.Ale and Beer. (768)

WALKER, P., & SON, 105, Duke Street, Liverpool.Monro & Co.sFalstalF Strong Mild Ale. (341)