6 4

Catalogue of the British Section.

CLARKE, G. B., Woburn. VVoburn Sauce. (29)

(See also Groups II. and III,)

CROSSE & BLACKWELL, Soho Square, London.Pickles, Sauces, Vinegar; Jams, Jellies, Marmalade ; Preserved Fruits, Preserved Meat, Fish, Soup, Vegetables, &c.

( 77 )

GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & COMPANY, Boar Lane, Leeds.Yorkshire Relish; Orange Quinine Wine ; Table-Salt, and Baking Powder. (78)

(See Appendix,)

McCALL, John, & COMPANY, Houndsditch, London.Preserved Meat from Australia and South America; Preserved Fish from North America. (79)

MOIR, John, & SON, 56, Virginia Street, Aberdeen, Scotland, and 14, Commercial Street, London. Preserved Provisions Meats, Soups, Fish, Jams, Jellies, Marma­lades, Pickles, Sauces, and Fruits. (80)

(See Appendix,)

BATTY & COMPANY, 15 and 16, Pavement, Finsbury, London. Pickles, Sauces, Jellies, Marmalade, Olives, Spices, Mustard, Currie Powder, Anchovies, Cam­bridge Pork Sausages, Christmas Plum Pudding, Mincemeat, and Preserved Pro­visions. (81)

HEWITSON & COMPANY, 17, Harp Lane, Great Tower Street, London . Patent Solid Pea Soup, and Beef Fat pre­pared without salt. (83)

ENGLISH CONDENSED MILK COMPANY Limited), 96, I^eadenhall Street, London.Aylesbury Condensed Milk, and preparations of the same with Cocoa, Chocolate, and Coffee;Aylesbury Essence of Coffee. (84)

ALEXANDER, Richard, 23, Si. famess, Edinburgh.Chutney; Currie Pow­der and Sauce. (38)

(See also Group III.)

McCOMBIE, J., & COMPANY, Peterhead.Cured Herrings; Cod Liver Oil; Curriers Fish Oil. (77°)

GEYELIN & COMPANY, Belgrave House, Argyle Square, London.Concentrated Food, exhibited for portability and eco­nomy. (771)

MACKAY, John, 119, George Street, EdinburghFlavouring Essences and other preparations for domestic purposes, and Ar­ticles of Diet for invalid and table use, &c.


KING, Frederick, & SON, 140, Leadenhall Street, London.Potatoes, pre­served as for the British Army and Navy; Patent Dessicated Soup, Beef, and Vegeta­bles, reduced to one-thirteenth of their original bulk. (3 2 3)

GRUNEBAUM, J., 31, Sackville

Street, London.Havannah Cigars. (85)

FRY, J. S., & SONS, 12, Union Street, Bristol, and 252, City Road, London. Chocolate and Cocoa. (86)

HUNTLEY & PALMERS, 9, Rood Lane, London, and Reading.Biscuits, plain and fancy, manufactured by improved steam machinery. (87)

(See Appendix,)

YUILLE, Andrew, Glasgoiv. Essences of Coffee, pure; of Coffee and Chicory, Coffee and Cocoa, Chicory, Coffee with Milk and Sugar ; Essences for flavour­ing ; Extracts of Celery, Shallots, Orange and Lemon Peel, Ratafia, Cinnamon, Cochineal, Vanilla, Garlic, Sage and Thyme. (88)

PEEK, FREAN & COMPANY, London.Fancy Biscuits. (89)

BROTCHIE, R., & COMPANY, Leith.Chicory, raw and in various stages of manufacture. (49 & 740*)

(See also Additional Exhibitions.)

PLUNKETT, John, & COMPANY, Portland Works, Portland Street, Dublin . Pale Malt for brewing Ale and Porter; Patent Roasted Malt, for colouring and flavouring Ale and Porter. (90)