7 J

Catalogue of the British Section.

SALOMONS, L., & COMPANY, 9, | SMALL, Josiah, & SON, Afaccles-

Friday Street, London.Spun Silk, dyed and field.Pure Silk and Mixed Goods ; Poplins, undyed ; Black dyed Cordonnet for l'ez j Scarfs, Sashes, &c.; Machine and Hand Tassels, Fringes, &c.; China Thrown Silk ; j Sewing and Embroidery Silks. (i59ir)

Straw Plait, and Finished Articles. (156) |

(See Appendix.)

JACKSON, J. & F., Sutton Mills, A/acclesfield.Silk Scarfs, Mufflers, Surats, and Handkerchiefs. ( ! 57)

PATTERSON, William, & SONS, Nottingham. Thrown Silks China and Bengal Organzine and Tram, Cordonnets and Cords for the manufacture of Machine- made Lace ; Grenadines made of Bengal Silk. (158)

MACCLESFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.Trophy of Silks, com­prising the following 9 entries : (159)


NICHOLSON, J. O., Macclesfield. Silk Scarfs and Neckerchiefs; Pocket- handkerchiefs; Plain, P'igured, and Brocaded Silks; Silk and Spun Silk Mufflers; Silk Sashes Brocaded; Damascene and Roman Mogadore. ( ! 59^)

SMALE, William, Macclesfield . Silk Scarfs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Sarcenet Linings. (>590

RICKARDS, C. A., Bell Busk Mills, near I^eeds.Sewing Silks for Hand and Machine use, pure and unweighted ; Em- broidery and Knitting Silks, Buttonhole Machine Twists, and Machine Silk Twists.


BROCKLEIIURST & SONS, Mac­clesfield . Thrown Silk; Patent Spun Silk Yarns; Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Mufflers; Silk Terree, Shirting, Dresses, and Sashes.

( I 59«)

POTTS, WRIGHT & COMPANY, Macclesfield. Silk China, Pram, and Organzine; Silk and Sarcenet Goods; China Twills, tSrc. (159^)

CRITCIILEY, BRINSLEY & COMPANY, Macclesfield. Ladies and Gentlemens Silk GoodsCravats ; Squares, &c., for the neck; Handkerchiefs; Pugga­rees &c. (159O

CORNES, W. W., A COMPANY, Afacclesfield.Dress Silks, Glacd Silks, Cut­up Cloths, Mufflers, Sashes, Scarfs, and Ties; Silk Shawls, Handkerchiefs, <S:c.



j Dublin. Irish Poplinsplain, single,

j double, brocaded, checked, figured, terry, j satin-striped, tartan plaid, and watered ; Silk Brocatellcs and Terrys for Curtains, Fur- 1 nishing and Upholstery purposes. (*60

j (See Appendix.)

ATKINSON, R., & COMPANY, 31, College Street, Dublin . Irish Poplins, specimen of Tissued Poplin brocaded in gold and colours with the Austrian Impe­rial Eagle, crown and monogram of their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of ! Austria; double, terrie, plain, ribbed, plaid check, figured, and brocaded poplins. (162)

(See Appendix.)

HADWEN, John, & SONS, Kelroyd Mills, Halifax, Yorkshire.Silk and Silk - Yarns ; Waste Silk in the raw state; Yarns I spun from waste silk. (164)

PEARSON, Samuel, & COM- | CARINGTON, The Lady, 8, V/hile-

PANY, Macclesfield. Thrown Silk and Silk ; halt Yard, London. Folding Screen of Fabrics. ( 1 59^) j Guipure Lace in coloured Silks, worked

j by the needle and applique on White Satin ; MELLOR, James, 7, Chestergate I the pattern taken l'rom an old Venetian

Street, A facclesfield, and 16, Dale Street, J velvet. Colours arranged and work executed

Manchester. Silk Neckties and Scarfs, j by the exhibitor. Screen with Leaves, de-

'(159/) j 6igned and worked by the exhibitor. (165)